A Small Moment of Inspiration from One of My Students
I just finished a coaching call that made me so verklempt over and over.
The person I was talking to was a single mom in a very sandwich generation time of her life who was literally in the process of giving up on her writing dream when we started working together.
This fall, she finally left her last work commitments of her old life behind to become a full-time freelance writer.
And when we were talking today, she let me know she just signed a new $1,000/month contract and is being courted for an exciting new book project with a major household name brand.
She’s already on track to make at least $60,000 this year from work with her recurring clients, and she has control of her schedule to spend time with her family and works with clients she selected to write about topics of her choosing.
It’s moments like these that remind me why I put my own freelance travel writing on hold to start all of this. When I see the life that this woman, and others like her that I work with, have built for themselves in pursuit of their own dreams of travel writing, and what that has opened up for these writers, their families, and the people they reach with their words, it is simply overwhelming.
Those of you who have blogs or other outlets where you are able to be in touch with those who have followed your travel tips and inspiration to take journeys that have fundamentally altered the course of their lives may have felt something similar through your own work.
I know that many of you are in a very different place with your travel writing career right now that the woman I spoke about above.
But I hope knowing that there are people out there, doing it, like this writer that I told you about today can help light the path, so you know that even when that path is hard to find or feels clouded with nebulous doubts, you know–it’s there, waiting for you.