The Flourishing Creator

All Posts in Category: Company Info

Meet Our New Team

It has been such a long journey to reopen and be with you all again.

Part of that journey has been building up our team, so that many hands are available to carry the work load and many sparkling, energetic minds work together on ideas.

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Want to Know What’s Going on in the World of Magazines Every Week? Check Out Our New Weekly Magazine News-Letter

We spend a lot of time with magazines.

Every week, we’re doing in-depth reviews of magazines to spot changes to be made in our Travel Magazine Database, deep diving on magazine sections open to freelances to create target pitch lists with members of our IdeaFest program, and talking through specific pitches and how they fit magazines or have been received by editors with folks on coaching calls.

When I’m in my own apartment home from a trip, I’m awash in magazines we’ve ordered for review for up-to-date-ness for the database or that I keep subscriptions of to stay on top of trends.

And when I’m at the retreat house teaching, there are literally thousands of magazines in our on-site magazine library. People bury themselves in stacks of ones they want to get to know.

But while we live and breathe magazines, you have got a lot of other work on your plate! I know it’s not easy to take time out of your workload of the work that pays the bills to get to know the magazines you might prefer were the writing work paying your bills.

We’ve got you.

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My Favorite Takeaways from Our New Detox + Reset Retreat

At 10 a.m. on Saturday, armed with thermoses of freshly-brewed espresso and milk from local farms, cups of housemade yogurt and plum preserves, and slices of walnut-studded fresh sourdough smearer with spiced maple plum better, we began.

On a mountain ledge, looking out over the plains between the famous rock climbing cliffs of the Shawangunk and the Hudson River, we began clarify how to determine the values that direct us which decision to take in every situation before moving into describing our most ideal work environment and brainstorming what to do back at home to create it.

This was just the first morning’s activities of our new Detox + Reset program that we wrapped up this week.

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Join Us–On the House–For Our At-Home IdeaFest Program This Fall

Now that summer (in the Northern Hemisphere at least) has drawn to a close, people are wrapping up their last sun-seeking vacations and getting down to business both for the fall and the year ahead.

I’m not just talking about us writers–I mean editors.

Particularly those New York and London major-pub editors, who may have been catching the summer scene at an acquaintance’s place for the summer holidays, are heading back to their desks, getting down to business, and catching up on emails and plans for 2020.

With the big-O year, major anniversaries, and the Japan Olympics on the horizon, editors have a lot of decisions to make about what they’ll cover next year.

Shouldn’t your stories get their best shot for consideration?

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All the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Our Travel Writing Retreats

This frequently asked question (FAQ) page on our travel writing retreats is designed to address every question we receive from people looking to understand if one of our tour- or lesson-focused travel writing events is right for them.

Our writing retreats are a little bit out of the ordinary–we know!

We often field questions over email from folks looking to attend our events, and if there’s anything I’ve learned in the dozens of weekend- and week-long retreats we’ve run at our retreat house and the dozens and dozens more I’ve led around the globe since we started Dream of Travel Writing, it’s that when one person asks a question, there’s always other people who have the same question and haven’t voice it yet.

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Why We Host Our Travel Writing Retreats in New York’s Catskill Mountains (And We Couldn’t Make Them the Same Anywhere Else!)

I spent this morning ripping apart rose-fleshed plums.

For the first few, I’d place them delicately, just so in the waiting glass jar—already studied with an intoxicating Saigon cinnamon stick. After ten minutes passed, and another ten, and then another, I realized I was going to run out of jars, so I started smooshing them in, the magenta juice bursting out to fill the crevices between plum halves.

On the stove, a syrup of local wildflower honey simmered. I added a little molasses-colored buckwheat honey for extra depth of flavor.

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Announcing Our Fall and Winter Travel Writing Retreat Schedule!

Once again, I want to thank everyone who contributed their thoughts on our upcoming event schedule and designing our new Travel Writers’ Detox + Reset event.

We’ve opened up early-bird pricing for all of our retreats in next week’s newsletter, with limited $150-off spots in each event open on a first-registered, first-served basis.

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Behind the Scenes of My First Press Trip and Our Biggest Takeaways

We’ve just wrapped up the first time out with our brand new event My First “Press Trip,” and I can’t believe how much we covered in two days!

This new event grew out of our Coaching Program Summer Camp, a very chill week in which we all co-work in the morning and explore the Catskills and the Hudson Valley in the afternoon and on the weekends.

One morning, while having a brunch of housemade Tartine-style sourdough loaves, Greek-style yogurt, and a selection of our jams (apricot rosemary, spiced yellow plum, vanilla peach–to name a few), we launched into an impromptu lesson on food styling, light sources, and minimizing shadows. During a car ride home from exploring a nearby art-heavy town, we have a lively discussion on ethics with sources after one gallery owner spent an hour giving tons of information to one of our writers only to say–as she was walking out the door–that she couldn’t write about anything he said.

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What Are the Next Big Steps for Your Travel Writing?

There is a reason we primarily offer in-person retreat events rather than online programs.

The results are simply so, so different.

Think about learning a language–you can go to Spanish classes for an hour one night a week for years. Or you can go to Spain and be surrounded by signs in Spanish, people speaking Spanish, and constant opportunities to put your skills to use.

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