We look forward to meeting you soon at one of our free webinars or private workshops, or at a travel or writing conference somewhere in the world!fiction

Looking for our free daily webinars? Grab the schedule on our blog for each month’s new line-up.

Upcoming Webinars and Live Workshops


Workshops at Our Catskills Writing Retreat Center


Conferences We’ll Be at


Past Events

WEBINAR: Thursday, December 19: Creating a Magazine Pitch Planner That Fits Your Needs and Goals

One of the most common questions that we get from experienced writers is about how best to track their pitches once they’ve been sent. But that misses out on the most important part of the pitching process, the area where most writers fall flat: planning which pitches they will write *before* they go out to make sure you meet your goals through the pitches you’re sending.

In this webinar, we’ll break through the structure, method, upkeep and rationale behind a very easy and flexible way to plan your pitches in advance. It not only allows you to always know what you should be working on (one of the biggest questions we see facing writers today!), but also make sure that you have pitches ready when you need them, rather than scrambling when an editor gets back to you with a request for more pitches.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, December 17: How to Create a Personal “File” on Every Magazine You’d Like to Target

In fundraising or any other sort of high profile deal making, people create in depth dossiers or “files” on their targets that include all sots of details on the target, with particular highlights on potential points of intersection that offer an in for building a relationship. You can do the same for the magazines that you want to build relationships with.

The common advice (from both teacher and magazine editors) to “read the magazine!” only scratches the surface. In this webinar, we’ll unpack a detailed, organized, and objective-driven way of breaking your process of getting familiar with a magazine into actionable information you can use to put together the right pitches for each editor you’re looking to build a relationship with.

WEBINAR: Thursday, October 31: Your Personalized, Goal-Oriented Approach to Deciding Which Magazines to Pitch

After three years of running Dream of Travel Writing—helping writers find the right mix of writing to meet their financial goals—and our Travel Magazine Database, which breaks down exactly how to pitch each section of more than 500 magazines, we’re always shocked when writers still tell us they’re only trying to pitch major newsstand magazines like Travel & Leisure or big airline magazines like Hemispheres. Rather than pitch the same places that everyone else is pitching, your best chance of success, much like applying to universities, is to find the outlets that are a more specific fit to you overall in many different dimensions.

In this webinar, we’ll walk through how to begin to source them, cut down your list, and make sure you’re on track to also meet your assignment and income goals through the magazines you’ve chosen.

WEBINAR: Thursday, October 31: TMD Subscribers Call

A one-hour ask-me-anything call exclusively for Travel Magazine Database subscribers. In this call, we look through features in the database you might be missing and discuss exciting new pitching opportunities we’ve recently added to the database along with taking YOUR questions on any topic at all having to do with pitching!

WEBINAR: Wednesday, October 30: Dream Buffet and Coaching Program AMA (Ask Me Anything) and Industry Update

In this more free-form call, we cover topics that members have written in with questions about in advance for help with along with discussing important changes going on in the travel and freelance writing industries that you should be aware of to make the most of your career.

RETREAT: IdeaFest: Friday, October 11 – Sunday, October 13, 2019

Whether you’re brand new to freelance writing, have a blogging background, or are coming to travel writing from another type of freelance writing, this weekend workshop is designed to make sure that you never run out of the travel writers’ most important currency: article ideas that are laser-focused and a perfect fit for the magazine you’re pitching.

As you learn how to become an idea machine and walk away with 100 ideas matched to magazines, we’ll discuss how to find and formulate ideas whether you’re on the road or cooped up at home with nothing to inspire you but the internet, and you’ll see how to take any one kernel of an idea and reshape and slant it for dozens of magazines.

Learn more here.

WEBINAR: Thursday, October 10: The Magazine-First Approach to Organize Your Pitches to Ensure You Hit Your Goals

After our Idea-to-Pitch live workshopping series, a freelancer wrote us asking how you should organize your pitching initiative if you’re using a “magazine-first” rather than “idea-first” approach. It was such a great question, because we usually recommend working magazine-first rather than idea-first!

The difference between “magazine-first” and “idea-first” pitch plans can be a huge difference in time investment, and, depending on your goals, ease of success in reaching the level you really want to be with your travel writing.

In this webinar, we’ll break down these two difference ways of looking at your pitching, the pros and cons of each, and how to know which is right for you and when it makes sense to switch.

RETREAT: My First “Press Trip”: Wednesday, October 9 – Friday, October 11, 2019

We’ve modeling this event after our week-long bootcamp and coaching program summer camp, but we’ll focus entirely on tours and other pitch-idea-gathering outings laced with impromptu lessons on whatever most piqued the interest of the group, covering a wide range of topics like:

  • the theory and practice of food photography, including trends over time and how to develop your own style
  • how to get the most information out of reticent interview subjects
  • what to do when a source basically invites you to meet their family, gives your a parting gift, spells out their name and important dates in great detail, and then tells you that you can’t write about any of it
  • how to turn chance encounters with interesting people well-known in their fields into articles in subject areas you don’t know well
  • how to get the information you need for your piece when there are customers vying for your sources attention
  • what to take from your mountain of notes and information into an actual pitch or piece
  • and much more!

The focus of this event is for you to experience tours like a full-time, travel writer would, but rather than learning just by watching your peers and trial and error, you will have a personal guide to the professional side of being on a press trip and using the material that you can ask all of your questions to on any topic along the way.

Learn more here.

RETREAT: The Travel Writers’ Detox + Reset: Friday, October 4 – Sunday, October 6 (with optional pre- and post-event co-working & outings days on: Oct 4, 5, 7, and 8)

You have spoken! We asked if you needed some time to recenter where you’re at with your work and travel life, and the response was clear.

We’ve been noticing a trend lately, from conference talks to our coaching calls, that freelance travel writers are being pulled in too many directions. You can call it the by-product of not having a clear separation between work and life or decision-making overload from the sheer number of possible things to do anytime you open your computer, but we’re seeing a serious problem: How do you prioritize? Or do everything? Or decide what you should do in any one moment?

This new event will center around a weekend of hands-on workshops focusing on:

  • how to be present with your big-picture goals on a day-to-day level
  • fitting it all in without burning out
  • prioritizing without beating yourself up
  • fighting distractions and knowing what to do each time you start a work session

In response to some great suggestions for those who contributed their thoughts to the shape of this new event, we’ll also offer the option to take Thursday and Friday before the event and/or the Monday and Tuesday following the event to co-work in the mornings and go on guided afternoon outings with fellow attendees to help transition in and out of this time together.

Learn more here.

WEBINAR: Friday, September 27: Dream Buffet + Coaching Program AMA (Ask Me Anything) + Industry Update

In this more free-form call, we cover topics that members have written in with questions about in advance for help with along with discussing important changes going on in the travel and freelance writing industries that you should be aware of to make the most of your career.

WEBINAR: Thursday, August 29: Freelance Business Systems: Getting Your Business GED on with Governance, Executive Functions, and (Strategic) Direction

Tying up our whole series on freelance business systems, we head to the top of the business totem pole with your role as the executive of your freelance firm. In this webinar, we will first examine the most fundamental roles of the traditional executive–and these may be the most surprising of everything you learn in this series. We’ll then look at how the owner or named partner in other types of one- or very-few-man/woman bands (lawyers, architects, interior designers, etc.) work to manage their practice as a combination doer and owner-manager and what we can learn from the growth of those businesses.

WEBINAR: Thursday, August 29: TMD Subscribers Call

A one-hour ask-me-anything call exclusively for Travel Magazine Database subscribers. In this call, we look through features in the database you might be missing and discuss exciting new pitching opportunities we’ve recently added to the database along with taking YOUR questions on any topic at all having to do with pitching!

RETREAT: Advanced Business Mastermind: Friday, August 23, to Sunday, August 25, 2019

This very special event takes a deep dive on how you run the business portion of your freelance travel life in a higher-level approach to our programs like IdeaFest and Pitchapalooza, which focus singularly on an individual part of the marketing process, or TravelContentCon, which firmly divides the freelance pie between editorial and content marketing writing.

Expanding on the work that we go through in our afternoon Freelance Travel Writing Master Class events (you can check out the schedule and content of one of those here), we dedicate this weekend to a deep planning and reflection process for your business, similar to our year-end review followed by a pen-to-paper planning process to sketch out exactly which steps you will take when to get your business where you want it to be, from:

  • negotiating raises or additional work from on-going clients
  • systematically pitching both editorial and content marketing work to create long-term relationships with the most minimal marketing involvement
  • leveling up from “plateau” markets you’ve gotten stuck writing for in which your skills are increasing but there’s no way for the pay and opportunities to follow suit

This event is specifically for freelance travel writers who:

  • are currently freelancing full-time (even if it’s not 100% travel)
  • are actively freelancing part-time and planning to transition to full-time this year

Don’t worry how much you are or aren’t making—the important thing to apply the work from this event is that freelance is or will soon be your primary income source.

RETREAT: Coaching Program Summer Camp: Friday, August 16, to Sunday, August 23, 2019

This very special event will take a deep dive on how you run the business portion of your freelance travel life in a higher-level approach to our programs like IdeaFest and Pitchapalooza, which focus singularly on an individual part of the marketing process, or TravelContentCon, which firmly divides the freelance pie between editorial and content marketing writing.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, August 14: Dream Buffet + Coaching Program AMA (Ask Me Anything) + Industry Update

In this more free-form call, we cover topics that members have written in with questions about in advance for help with along with discussing important changes going on in the travel and freelance writing industries that you should be aware of to make the most of your career.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, August 14: Freelance Business Systems: The Fun Stuff on Your List (Research & Development) R&D

Depending on your pre-travel-writing background, the term “research and development” may make you think of many things (I always think of pharma companies somehow), but I bet you would never think of it as something that relates to your travel writing. In this webinar, we look at how this crucial area of your business is (a) something you’re no doubt already doing, (b) how doing it in a non-systematic way is the source of many problems you run into as a freelancer, and (c) what we can learn from highly functioning R&D departments to make this area of your business something that thrives and brings you closer to your most important goals each quarter and year.

WEBINAR: Monday, August 5: Freelance Business Systems: Is That Really Admin on Your List?

When I talk to writers about how they are spending their freelance writing time, the concept of “admin” comes up frequently. But that admin is usually actually some kind of accounting, promotion, or operations work. Some freelance writers lump anything they don’t lump under writing under admin. And that leads to struggles in other areas. As we dive into the true purpose of administrative functions in business (and look, of course, at what you may want to consider outsourcing at some point in your career), we renew your understanding and appreciation of what does and doesn’t need to be done, and what it can really do for you when it’s done masterfully.

WEBINAR: Monday, July 29: Freelance Business Systems: The Surprising Secrets of Servicing Customers as a Freelancer

Customer service–whether behind the counter at you local ice cream shop as a summer job or temping in a phone bank somewhere–has long gotten the wrap as something we may be obliged to do when young and deal with when older (why is it again that Amazon has no way for me to get in touch with them when my package shows as arrived and did not, in fact, arrive?).

The complex nuances in this business area, however, will literally make or break those attractive, retainer-contract gigs everyone wants to get their hands on with companies or magazines. There is a lot of surprising science to how you interact with your editors to achieve the best outcome for everyone, no matter whether you aim to write for magazines or pursue content marketing gigs.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, July 24: Freelance Business Systems: Promotion, Promotion, Promotion

As we tease out the difference between sales, marketing, and PR, it’s time to turn our gaze to the public relations side–not the PRs we interact with trying to get information for a story or a spot on a press trip, but the external relations we must pursue for our own freelance businesses.

I often speak with travel writers who are going to networking events or even conferences without knowing exactly why, in terms of what they hope to get out of it. Ditto with spending time on LinkedIn or Facebook groups. There may be a sense that some business development (new gigs) may come as a result, but the general underpinning of getting one’s name out there (promotion) is always at heart.

This installment in our freelance business systems will break down the core goals and strategies of public relations professionals so that you can make confident, grounded, informed decisions about what will really get your name in front of the right people and spend your time where it will make a difference.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, July 16: Freelance Business Systems: You Plus Market Equals Money

Particularly with the advent of social media (marketing) and blogging (content marketing), or, really, the internet in general, there is a lot of “work” you can do these days that may feel like you are marketing your business that doesn’t seem to get a lot of traction no matter how much you put into it.

In this webinar, we start by pulling back significantly from the tactically to really exploring what marketing means conceptually and how it should work to pull you away from the feeling of an endless “should-do” list for your marketing and get grounded in what you should really focus on, why, and how to adjust it over time.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, July 16: TMD Subscribers Call

A one-hour ask-me-anything call exclusively for Travel Magazine Database subscribers.

In this call, we look through features in the database you might be missing and discuss exciting new pitching opportunities we’ve recently added to the database along with taking YOUR questions on any topic at all having to do with pitching!

RETREAT: My First “Press Trip”: Wednesday, July 10, to Friday, July 12, 2019

This is a very special opportunity to get a spot in a new event that we’ve been asked to launch and are very excited to bring to you for the first time this spring.

We’re modeling this event after our awesome but intense week-long bootcamp and our summer camp for coaching students, which focused entirely on tours and other pitch-idea-gathering outings laced with impromptu lessons on whatever most piqued the interest of the group, covering a wide range of topics like:
• the theory and practice of food photography, including trends over time and how to develop your own style
• how to get the most information out of reticent interview subjects
• what to do when a source basically invites you to meet their family, gives your a parting gift, spells out their name and important dates in great detail, and then tells you that you can’t write about any of it
• how to turn chance encounters with interesting people well-known in their fields into articles in subject areas you don’t know well
• how to get the information you need for your piece when there are customers vying for your sources attention
• what to take from your mountain of notes and information into an actual pitch or piece
• and much more!

The focus of this event is for you to experience tours like a full-time, travel writer would, but rather than learning just by watching your peers and trial and error, you will have a personal guide to the professional side of being on a press trip and using the material that you can ask all of your questions to on any topic along the way.

I’ll create an itinerary specially tailored to the weather, season, and the stops that are able to offer us a personalize experience on the days of our event. Just a small selection of the places we’ve visited during similar events in the past include:
• Wood-fired pizza that Food and Wine calls some of the best in New York, even though it’s surprising outside of New York City
• Top award-winning wines (of course!)
• A visit to the home of American fly fishing, also known as a “Distilling town with a fishing problem” due to the presence of a lauded local distillery
• Craft cider in the traditional European style
• A visit to the historic Delaware and Hudson canal (also a great spot for morning runs for the active folks!) with the walking encyclopedia for the area

Other options for this retreat include:
• Zero kilometer beers made with wild yeast and site-grown hops
• A visit to the first whiskey distillery in New York since Prohibition
• Adorable, soft, and highly photogenic alpacas (great story ideas came from here during our winter bootcamp!)
• brand new stops we uncover between now and when we finalize the schedule!

Learn more here.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, July 9: Freelance Business Systems: Sell Smart

Of all of the different areas of business and business systems we discuss as part of this serious, the topic that probably has the most written, researched, and optimized about it is sales. And yet it’s also the part that most writers more or less want nothing to do with (money, yes; selling, no), particular the “icky”-sounding word “sales.”

As we enter the three-legged stool of sales, marketing, and public relations, we explore the differences between the three often co-located and conflated areas, so that you can make sure not to skimp on anything that will propel your business forward by accident.

We explore why and how salespeople in companies are compensated, so that you can get a handle on how this is truly one of your most fundamental jobs within your business, and we break down what lies at the heart of sales (because it’s really, really not what you think) that makes great salespeople in all industries grow their companies.

WEBINAR: Monday, July 8: Dream Buffet and Coaching Program AMA (Ask Me Anything) and Industry Update

In this more free-form call, we cover topics that members have written in with questions about in advance for help with along with discussing important changes going on in the travel and freelance writing industries that you should be aware of to make the most of your career.

RETREAT: My First “Press Trip”: Wednesday, June 19, to Friday, June 21, 2019

This is a very special opportunity to get a spot in a new event that we’ve been asked to launch and are very excited to bring to you for the first time this spring.

We’re modeling this event after our awesome but intense week-long bootcamp and our summer camp for coaching students, which focused entirely on tours and other pitch-idea-gathering outings laced with impromptu lessons on whatever most piqued the interest of the group, covering a wide range of topics like:
• the theory and practice of food photography, including trends over time and how to develop your own style
• how to get the most information out of reticent interview subjects
• what to do when a source basically invites you to meet their family, gives your a parting gift, spells out their name and important dates in great detail, and then tells you that you can’t write about any of it
• how to turn chance encounters with interesting people well-known in their fields into articles in subject areas you don’t know well
• how to get the information you need for your piece when there are customers vying for your sources attention
• what to take from your mountain of notes and information into an actual pitch or piece
• and much more!

The focus of this event is for you to experience tours like a full-time, travel writer would, but rather than learning just by watching your peers and trial and error, you will have a personal guide to the professional side of being on a press trip and using the material that you can ask all of your questions to on any topic along the way.

I’ll create an itinerary specially tailored to the weather, season, and the stops that are able to offer us a personalize experience on the days of our event. Just a small selection of the places we’ve visited during similar events in the past include:
• Wood-fired pizza that Food and Wine calls some of the best in New York, even though it’s surprising outside of New York City
• Top award-winning wines (of course!)
• A visit to the home of American fly fishing, also known as a “Distilling town with a fishing problem” due to the presence of a lauded local distillery
• Craft cider in the traditional European style
• A visit to the historic Delaware and Hudson canal (also a great spot for morning runs for the active folks!) with the walking encyclopedia for the area

Other options for this retreat include:
• Zero kilometer beers made with wild yeast and site-grown hops
• A visit to the first whiskey distillery in New York since Prohibition
• Adorable, soft, and highly photogenic alpacas (great story ideas came from here during our winter bootcamp!)
• brand new stops we uncover between now and when we finalize the schedule!

WEBINAR: Tuesday, June 25: TMD Subscribers Call

A one-hour ask-me-anything call exclusively for Travel Magazine Database subscribers.

In this call, we look through features in the database you might be missing and discuss exciting new pitching opportunities we’ve recently added to the database along with taking YOUR questions on any topic at all having to do with pitching!

WEBINAR: Tuesday, June 25: Freelance Business Systems: Your Technical Support Squad

As one-man or one-woman bands, freelancers suffer from two things that really affect you in the tech department: being the only one doing all the things, and having to be very judicious about where we spend our most precious resource, time.

When it comes to keeping your business operating as best it can in the tech department, that tends to mean that you’re either using sub-par equipment and resources in one area or another, or, if you just love the stuff, you spend way too much time fiddling with the latest apps and systems in a way that is more hobby that actually supporting your business.

In this webinar, we’ll walk through specific areas of your business that the right tech can help excel in ways you didn’t realize were possible, what you need to know about keeping yourself and your client’s data appropriately secure at home and on the road (don’t be scared if you’re not doing this now—we’ll cover it!), and how, most importantly, to implement systems to make sure that tech issues never slow your business down.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, June 18: Dream Buffet and Coaching Program AMA (Ask Me Anything) and Industry Update

In this more free-form call, we cover topics that members have written in with questions about in advance for help with along with discussing important changes going on in the travel and freelance writing industries that you should be aware of to make the most of your career.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, June 18: Freelance Business Systems: Just Make it Legal

“Legal departments” are things that we tend to associate with big corporate entities that have in-house council and annoying folks who insist on seeing every tweet before it goes out (even though that defeats the entire purpose of Twitter!). But the legal considerations for your business cannot be ignored, and I’m not just talking about what kind of business you are or are not legally registered as.

There are countless situations that come up from freelance writers, from parsing rights to photos with a CVB or business that hosted you or knowing that the magazine you’ve sold a story to has also purchased the rights to any royalties if your story becomes a movie or book, and making decisions upfront and establishing standard practices for your business will help you know what to do when any of these situations arise and take them in stride.

Please note in appropriate legal fashion: I am not a legal professional, and the recommendations in these webinars are based on journalistic research, personal experience, and experiences of your peers. We absolutely recommend you consult and individual with the appropriate licensing or accreditation for your physical business location on all legal matters.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, June 5: Freelance Business Systems: You, The Resource, Supported as a Human

Even though I have been self-employed for ten years now, I have to tell you, there are things about the HR operations of large, established companies that I not only miss—pick-me-up happy hours and excursions, holiday parties, ergonomic chair and table options, and someone tasked with thinking about the healthiness of the menu options on offer, to name a few.

In part, because I have worked for big organizations myself in the past, and in part because so many people in my circle of friends through my big-brand-employeed husband, I’ve always had an eye on incorporating the most crucial and supportive HR practices in my own organization of one throughout my days as a freelance writer.

In this webinar, we talk about why HR people do what they do and how to apply it to a freelance setting to make sure that the most important resource in your freelance business—you—always has the support it needs to do its best work.

WEBINAR: Thursday, May 24: Freelance Business Systems: Control That Quality

Quality control? That sounds even more like something an assembly line needs that writers do not than our operations-focused webinar!

While many writers I talk to worry—whether in their heads, to other writers on Facebook, or just to to their friends and significant others—about the quality of their writing, not enough talk about what quality means as a business person, and how it can and should be leveraged, both in terms of mercilessly duplicating the steps that lead to quality every time and determining what exactly quality means for your clients in a way that allows you to deliver each time and rest assured you’ve got happy clients time and time again.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, May 21: Dream Buffet and Coaching Program AMA (Ask Me Anything) and Industry Update

In this more free-form call, we’ll cover topics that members have written in with questions about in advance for help with along with discussing important changes going on in the travel and freelance writing industries that you should be aware of to make the most of your career.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, May 21: TMD Subscribers Call

A one-hour ask-me-anything call exclusively for Travel Magazine Database subscribers.

In this call, we look through features in the database you might be missing and discuss exciting new pitching opportunities we’ve recently added to the database along with taking YOUR questions on any topic at all having to do with pitching!

WEBINAR: Thursday, May 16: Freelance Business Systems: Operate Like a Boss

Like it or not, as a freelance writer, you are a center for production—a factory, if you will—for completed collections of written words centered on certain themes and collated to client-determined specifications. So many parts of writing involve independent decision making and the act of creation, but at the end of the day, as a business that delivers goods (read: polished prose) to clients, you need to focus on optimizing all aspects of your production operations. This is an area that I spend a significant portion of time with my coaching clients on simply because its such an unparalleled game changer, and I’m very excited to change your approach to how you produce your writing work in this webinar.

WEBINAR: Friday, May 10: Freelance Business Systems: Perfect Purchasing

When you don’t know what your income is going to be each month, it’s automatically harder to budget (not just for life, but for your business!). The unfortunate follow up of that is that it’s also harder to make clear, informed, deliberate decisions about what to purchase why and when, which can often lead to snap decisions or overspending. But those are just the surface-level considerations in creating a plan for how to purchase purchases related to your business—which, in case you’re not thinking of it that way, also includes your travel spending. In this webinar, we pull a page from the corporate playbook and look at strategies that allow you to make the most of each dollar.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, April 30: Freelance Business Systems: Accounting Minus Suck

Freelance accounting commonly takes the form of “why haven’t I been paid for this story yet?!?! I sent the invoice this week!” but invoicing is actually a very small piece of the pie. On the heels of tax season, we’ll take this hour to go through, line by line, what numbers you should be tracking, how, where, and why, so that the numeric side of your freelance life no longer feels scary, and everything has a place that feels just right and brings you joy, Marie Kondo-style.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, April 30: Dream Buffet and Coaching Program AMA (Ask Me Anything) and Industry Update

In this more free-form call, we’ll cover topics that members have written in with questions about in advance for help with along with discussing important changes going on in the travel and freelance writing industries that you should be aware of to make the most of your career.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, April 30: TMD Subscribers Call

A one-hour ask-me-anything call exclusively for Travel Magazine Database subscribers.

In this call, we look through features in the database you might be missing and discuss exciting new pitching opportunities we’ve recently added to the database along with taking YOUR questions on any topic at all having to do with pitching!

WEBINAR: Thursday, April 25: Freelance Business Systems: Finance Fun

In this webinar, we’ll start our journey into the numbers that really make your freelance business tick (as in, make the money that pays the bills flow into your bank account so you can function as a human with a room over her head and food in her belly) with the bigger picture. Finance and accounting are widely confusing or thought to be one and the same among those who don’t hold these roles, and accounting is already the bane of many freelancer’s “admin” to-do lists. So this week, we’re going to start with finance, which is more about planning to make sure money is always coming your way, something you’ll find puts a smile on your face every time you do it once you get the hang of it.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, March 27: Introduction to Business Systems for Freelance Travel Writers

In this call, the beginning of our new series on organizing your business like you’re actually running one, rather than the “figure it out as you go” approach so many freelancers use, we introduce two frameworks for conceptualizing yourself as a business owner and the various roles that you take on before we go into each “business department” individually in the series.

WEBINAR: Thursday, March 21: Live Idea-to-Pitch Walkthrough Part #6: Filling in the Blanks and Hitting Send

Even though it seems like we’re at the end of the line, this is actually the hardest part of the pitching process and where I see many of you getting completely stuck.

It’s too easy to be fully flush with the facts and fit of an idea, step away from it for a bit, then come back and have doubts because you’re not up-to-date on all of the details of the situation, and then decide that you really shouldn’t send the pitch after all.

In this webinar, we walk through live examples so you can see when enough is enough, when to cut and run, and how, exactly, to get pitches out of your inbox and into the playing field quickly and with minimal fuss.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, March 20: Dream Buffet and Coaching Program AMA (Ask Me Anything) and Industry Update

In this more free-form call, we’ll cover topics that members have written in with questions about in advance for help with along with discussing important changes going on in the travel and freelance writing industries that you should be aware of to make the most of your career.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, March 20: TMD Subscribers Call

A one-hour ask-me-anything call exclusively for Travel Magazine Database subscribers.

In this call, we’ll both look through features in the database you might be missing and discuss exciting new pitching opportunities we’ve recently added to the database along with taking YOUR questions on any topic at all having to do with pitching!

WEBINAR: Monday, February 25: Dream Buffet and Coaching Program AMA (Ask Me Anything) and Industry Update

In this more free-form call, we’ll cover topics that members have written in with questions about in advance for help with along with discussing important changes going on in the travel and freelance writing industries that you should be aware of to make the most of your career.

WEBINAR: Monday, February 25: TMD Subscribers Call

A one-hour ask-me-anything call exclusively for Travel Magazine Database subscribers.

In this call, we’ll both look through features in the database you might be missing and discuss exciting new pitching opportunities we’ve recently added to the database along with taking YOUR questions on any topic at all having to do with pitching!

WEBINAR: Monday, February 25: Live Idea-to-Pitch Walkthrough Part #5: Creating the Bones of the Pitch

We’ve made it through so many stages of the pitch writing process than many folks lump into writing that are actually distinctly separate prep activities: pulling ideas from you trip, matching them to magazines, refining the best fits, and choosing the low-hanging fruit with the best chance of success and the easiest path to putting the pitch together.

Now the real writing begins!

But staring at a blank page is a way to shock any creative mind into panic, so we will begin instead by putting together the easier building blocks of the pitch in an almost placeholder-like style with minimal stress and research just to get our quick thoughts on the page.

Learning this trick to getting the basis of a pitch out quickly alone, can easily save you an hour per pitch.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, February 20: Live Idea-to-Pitch Walkthrough Part #4: Ruthlessly Auditing Idea Fit

Four hours into our series and we’re still working on the ideas! It seems like it will take us forever to get to the actually pitching writing, but that’s part of why we’re doing this series: if you’re diving into a word processing document earlier than this, you’re doing it wrong.

Making sure that your idea itself is solid, salable, and safe for you to stick your neck out with AND that it is a perfect fit for the section you’re pitching it to is actually the secret to saving tons of time with your pitches while also netting a higher acceptance rate along the way.

Fewer, better pitches always win. Having a 90% acceptance rate sending five pitches a month will do better for you than sending 20 pitches with a 20% acceptance rate (4.5 acceptances vs. 4). You can do estimate the time savings yourself!

In this webinar, we’ll narrow the ideas we’ve been working on even further so that we’re only moving forward with the ones that absolutely, as far as we can tell not being inside the magazine, have a chance of success as we finesse both the fit and the quality of the idea, focusing on looking for that “why” that really makes the idea pop when the editor reads our pitch.

RETREAT: Week-long Freelance Travel Writing Bootcamp: Sunday, February 3, to Saturday, February 9, 2019

An offering unlike any other travel conference or workshop aimed at those new to publishing their travel writing in print publications.

Running from Sunday evening through the following Saturday afternoon, each morning we’ll cover idea generation, research techniques, and pitching fundamentals in group lessons, one-on-one coaching, and exercises, and in the afternoon, we’ll head out to visit wineries, ground-breaking museums, and historic sites from the dawn of the nation to put your new skills to use in the field, followed by a debrief over dinner.

In addition to walking away with the tool kit you need to pitch, research, and write travel articles, you’ll also leave with a personal plan to grow your travel writing income and portfolio and transition into full-time freelance travel writing if you’re currently in another career. We’ve scheduled this event in February so we can have some of the Hudson Valley’s top attractions to ourselves during the tourist low season.

RETREAT: Pitchapalooza: Friday, January 18, to Sunday, January 20, 2019

Pitching is the single best way to up your portfolio and income; get all of your questions answer and 25 ideas workshopped into polished pitches. If you know you can write and get good feedback from the editors you’re already working with but are having trouble moving up to bigger and better markets and stories, this event is for you.

WEBINAR: Thursday, December 13: Live Idea-to-Pitch Walkthrough Part #3: Identifying Glove-Fit Ideas

In the last webinar in this series, which shows live every stage in the process of putting together a number of pitches in just a few hours, I compiled a list of article ideas matched to specific magazines and sections within those magazines. As we went through, I included things that were pretty sure-fire fits along with ones that I needed to check on further to make sure that the idea would really fly for the given section (which we will verify in this webinar by looking at past examples of articles in that section) and the magazine in general (which we will check against the demographics and general voice of the publication).

This hour goes from wide (where we’ve been in the past several hours of this series) to narrow as we slim from the ideas that we like to the ideas that actually have a shot with the magazines in question.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, December 12: Dream Buffet and Coaching Program AMA (Ask Me Anything) and Industry Update

In this more free-form call, we cover topics that members have written in with questions about in advance for help with along with discussing important changes going on in the travel and freelance writing industries that you should be aware of to make the most of your career.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, December 12: TMD Subscribers Call

A one-hour ask-me-anything call exclusively for Travel Magazine Database subscribers.

In this call, we look through features in the database you might be missing and discuss exciting new pitching opportunities we’ve recently added to the database along with taking YOUR questions on any topic at all having to do with pitching!

WEBINAR: Friday, December 7: Live Idea-to-Pitch Walkthrough Part #2: Matching Raw Ideas to Real Magazine Sections

Continuing in our landmark series walking, entirely live, through every stage in the process of putting together a number of pitches in just a few hours, we dive into the dreaded matching phase.

I know that for many of you, this part of the process—finding a good “home” for your article ideas—can be the most trying part of the question, often lasting for weeks and sometimes months. In this webinar, you’ll see me take my entire list of pitch ideas from the previous week and make as many good matches as I can in an hour.

WEBINAR: Thursday, December 6: Dream Buffet and Coaching Program AMA (Ask Me Anything) and Industry Update

In this more free-form call, we cover topics that members have written in with questions about in advance for help with along with discussing important changes going on in the travel and freelance writing industries that you should be aware of to make the most of your career.

RETREAT: Friday, November 30, to Saturday, December 2, 2018 – Travel Writing Business Mastermind Retreat

This very special event takes a deep dive on how you run the business portion of your freelance travel life in a higher-level approach to our programs like IdeaFest and Pitchapalooza, which focus singularly on an individual part of the marketing process, or TravelContentCon, which firmly divides the freelance pie between editorial and content marketing writing.

Expanding on the work that we go through in our afternoon Freelance Travel Writing Master Class events (you can check out the schedule and content of one of those here), we dedicate this weekend to a deep planning and reflection process for your business, similar to our year-end review followed by a pen-to-paper planning process to sketch out exactly which steps you will take when to get your business where you want it to be, from:

  • negotiating raises or additional work from on-going clients
  • systematically pitching both editorial and content marketing work to create long-term relationships with the most minimal marketing involvement
  • leveling up from “plateau” markets you’ve gotten stuck writing for in which your skills are increasing but there’s no way for the pay and opportunities to follow suit

This event is specifically for freelance travel writers who:

  • are currently freelancing full-time (even if it’s not 100% travel)
  • are actively freelancing part-time and planning to transition to full-time this year

Don’t worry how much you are or aren’t making—the important thing to apply the work from this event is that freelance is or will soon be your primary income source.

WEBINAR: Monday, November 12: Live Idea-to-Pitch Walkthrough Part #1: Turning Your Trip Notes into a Pitchable Idea List

In this new series, we offer a (probably shocking to many of you) window on how pitching takes place for an established writer in the most minimal time with the least possible fuss as we walk from initial trip notes all the way to polished pitches leaving my inbox right before your eyes.

To make sure you can see and ask questions about my decision-making at every phase, I walk through each step of the process completely live with no prep work outside of our calls (or cheating, as I would call it!) to pretty things up or do more digging into an idea.

To kick off the series, we begin with the notes from my travels in the Czech Republic over the summer, transforming my ideas from that time, which are no longer fresh in my mind, into potential article ideas and article types. You’ll learn how to develop a sense for what is and is not a pitchable idea from the types of information you’re deluged with on a trip, and I’ll also note what types of articles could develop from each idea as we go along.

WEBINAR: Friday, November 9: The Parts of Your Book Proposal About You and Your Book (And Why They’re Actually Much Less Important!)

There are several parts of the non-fiction book proposal—the author bio, overview, chapter summary, and sample chapters—that can easily feel like the parts you should spend the majority of your time on, but they can easily become enormous time sucks!

In this webinar, we look at how to efficiently power through the rest of your book proposal to get it polished and down without drowning in decision paralysis so your proposal can leave your laptop and do what it’s supposed to do: get agents interested in your project so you can get the feedback you need to make changes based on the knowledge of people who live and breathe books (a.k.a. book professionals and not you!).

WEBINAR: Wednesday, October 31: You Are Your Non-Fiction Book’s Best Marketer: How to Make it Work

In the previous webinar, we looked at one of the two most important sections of your non-fiction book proposal, and in this webinar, we dive into the second: the marketing plan.

No matter what connections you do or don’t have now, you can still make a killer marketing plan that is believable to a publisher and perfectly positions your book in the market. It all comes down to the triad of research, creativity, and a willingness to put yourself out there for your book.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, October 30: TMD Subscribers Call

A one-hour ask-me-anything call exclusively for Travel Magazine Database subscribers.

In this call, we look through features in the database you might be missing and discuss exciting new pitching opportunities we’ve recently added to the database along with taking YOUR questions on any topic at all having to do with pitching!

WEBINAR: Monday, October 29: Dream Buffet and Coaching Program AMA (Ask Me Anything) and Industry Update

In this more free-form call, we cover topics that members have written in with questions about in advance for help with along with discussing important changes going on in the travel and freelance writing industries that you should be aware of to make the most of your career.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, October 24: Know Your Non-Fiction Book’s Market to Make Its Business Case

In this webinar, I introduce the non-fiction book proposal and its main sections and then zero in on one of the two you need to spend your most time and research prowess on: the target market.

This is where your book will literally live and die. It doesn’t matter to an agent how interesting they think your topic is if he doesn’t think they can sell it to an editor, and it doesn’t matter to an editor how much she loves your writing if her publisher doesn’t think he can make his money back and more on the book.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, October 16: What Is and What Is Not a Salable Non-Fiction Book Today: Finding Your Place in the Marketplace

You shouldn’t take one step down the research rabbit hole with a book project until you understand how it fits into the marketplace. Editors and agents love to ask “where would this go in Barnes and Noble,” and their favorite authors are the ones that understand the book industry.

In this webinar, we explore what is selling today (along with some peeks at what is not and why) and explore the age-old question of to self-publish or not to self-publish, but I introduce you to a powerful tool that can help you quickly and easily find both what your book should focus on (because the decision really isn’t up to you) and how to get an agent!

WEBINAR: Thursday, October 11: Creating Ambiance with Journalistic Detail

In this series on journalistic detail, we looked at many specific situations in which you should be thoughtful about how and why you’re introducing detail, from short articles to descriptions of people and places.

In the last webinar in this series, we take it higher level—how do the details that you choose create a larger takeaway for the reader without you coming out and explicitly telling them what you want them to feel?

WEBINAR: Friday, September 28: Weaving Journalistic Detail into Descriptions of Places

Setting the scene in your pieces can be the single hardest block of text for so many of us to write! How do we be “creative” or write that “flowery” stuff?

The key to writing a description of a place that (1) doesn’t take you forever and push you into a type of writing you may not be so comfortable with, and (2) actually belongs in the piece your writing and shows your writing chops off to your editor (especially in a pitch) is a strong foundation in journalistic detail.

We explore how it works with evocative verbal depictions of places in this webinar.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, September 26: Dream Buffet and Coaching Program AMA (Ask Me Anything) and Industry Update

In this more free-form call, we cover topics that members have written in with questions about in advance for help with along with discussing important changes going on in the travel and freelance writing industries that you should be aware of to make the most of your career.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, September 18: Weaving Journalistic Detail into Descriptions of People

Fiction writers are known for their descriptions of characters, but so many writers skip these details in their travel pieces—to their detriment.

Characters are one of the main things editors regularly lament that writers don’t include in their pitches or final pieces. In this webinar, we explore how to get the details you need on the ground as well as how to incorporate them into your pieces.

WEBINAR: Friday, September 7: Weaving Journalistic Detail into Short Articles

In short, front-of-book pieces and in subsections of round-up features, the devil in the detail is choosing what to include from all of your research.

In this webinar, we explore how to use your magazine’s audience and the type of magazine section you’re writing as a lens to drastically simplify the agonizing decisions of what details to include, how much time to devote to them, and how to execute them from a writing perspective.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, September 5: TMD Subscribers Call

A one-hour ask-me-anything call exclusively for Travel Magazine Database subscribers.

In this call, we look through features in the database you might be missing and discuss exciting new pitching opportunities we’ve recently added to the database along with taking YOUR questions on any topic at all having to do with pitching!

WEBINAR: Thursday, August 30: Dream Buffet and Coaching Program AMA (Ask Me Anything) and Industry Update

In this more free-form call, we cover topics that members have written in with questions about in advance for help with along with discussing important changes going on in the travel and freelance writing industries that you should be aware of to make the most of your career.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, August 29: Journalistic Detail and Why You Need It

Editors often say they want “researched” and “tight” “copy”, but what does that mean and how do you do it?

In this webinar, the beginning of a new craft-oriented series on uncovering journalistic detail in your field research and incorporating it into different types of pieces, we explore what journalistic detail is, why you need it, and how to know it when you see it.

RETREAT: TravelContentCon: Friday, August 24 – Sunday, August 26

Last year’s TravelContentCon attendees killed it pumping out pitches after this event last August. If you’ve been telling yourself it’s time to:

  • double down on your recurring income
  • transition from one-off or non-contract blogging work to more stable relationships
  • figure out what travel content marketing looks like for you and how to get a piece of the pie

…this event—built entirely on action and start-to-finish travel content marketing planning for what will work best for you personally—is for you.

This event is full. Look out for announcements for our next edition!

RETREAT: Building a Blog Business: Friday, August 17 to Sunday, August 19, 2018

There has been a lot of talk in recent years in various online programs and industry conferences about exactly how to make money with a travel blog.

By an large, people are fed up with advice that doesn’t work and blogs that don’t provide them any return.

If you are serious about turning your blog into an actual business—a.k.a. something that creates money for you every day, without your needing to keep the wheels running with income from freelance writing and other paid-on-receipt services, this event will show you how.

I’ve been writing about how to create a business only for going on four years now, and in my own time as a freelancer have worked for so many blog businesses over the year run by people who bought blogs, started and built up blogs on their own and then tried to turn it into a money-making venture, or started a blog in advance of launching their product to build momentum.

I also know so many small business owners with blog based businesses from my own small-business-owner circles that I constantly compare notes with at the top conferences for blog-based businesses every year (which uniformly cost upwards of $1,000 to attend—and that’s not including accommodation!)

I have seen a lot of successes, but also a lot of failures.

So, like our exercise-heavy TravelContentCon, we’re launching a new event that will distill all of the steps that you need to follow to get your blog acting like a business and making you money while you sleep.

This event is full. Look out for announcements for our next edition!

WEBINAR: Wednesday, June 27: Article Nuts and Bolts: Putting Together an As-Told-To Feature

For this week’s live webinar, join us as we take a look at As-Told-To Features with examples from markets that you’d love to add to your clip file.

A staple of major magazines, these pieces offer a surprising way to tell the stories of fascinating sources you meet in your travels.

RETREAT: Friday, June 22, to Saturday, June 24, 2018 – Travel Writing Business Mastermind Retreat

This very special event will take a deep dive on how you run the business portion of your freelance travel life in a higher-level approach to our programs like IdeaFest and Pitchapalooza, which focus singularly on an individual part of the marketing process, or TravelContentCon, which firmly divides the freelance pie between editorial and content marketing writing.

Expanding on the work that we go through in our afternoon Freelance Travel Writing Master Class events (you can check out the schedule and content of one of those here), we will dedicate this weekend to a deep planning and reflection process for your business, similar to our year-end review followed by a pen-to-paper planning process to sketch out exactly which steps you will take when to get your business where you want it to be, from:

  • negotiating raises or additional work from on-going clients
  • systematically pitching both editorial and content marketing work to create long-term relationships with the most minimal marketing involvement
  • leveling up from “plateau” markets you’ve gotten stuck writing for in which your skills are increasing but there’s no way for the pay and opportunities to follow suit

This event is specifically for freelance travel writers who:

  • are currently freelancing full-time (even if it’s not 100% travel)
  • are actively freelancing part-time and planning to transition to full-time this year

Don’t worry how much you are or aren’t making—the important thing to apply the work from this event is that freelance is or will soon be your primary income source.

This event has ended. Look out for announcements of the next edition in our newsletter!

WEBINAR: Thursday, June 21: Article Nuts and Bolts: Putting Together a Celebrity Favorites Piece

For this week’s live webinar, join us as we continue with the last installment of our Article Nuts and Bolts Series. We will be taking a look into celebrity favorite pieces.

These often overlooked pieces are a huge hit with editors–they never get enough pitches for these sections!

WEBINAR: Thursday, June 14: Article Nuts and Bolts: Putting Together an Interview Piece

For this week’s live webinar, join us as we continue with the latestt installment of our Article Nuts and Bolts Series.

We will be diving into interview pieces which can be some of the easiest to write (and the most bang for your time) because of their rigid formatting.

WEBINAR: Thursday, June 7: Article Nuts and Bolts: Putting Together a Profile Piece

As we discussed earlier in the article nuts and bolts series, profiles of individuals and businesses are the most common types of articles today.

In this webinar, we unpack the ins and outs of this type of article, which is among the most difficult to master, yet the most rewarding to write.

WEBINAR: Thursday, May 31: The Guidebook Guide Series – The Writing Side of Guidebook Work

For this live webinar, the third part of our new series, we explore what it is like to work as a guidebook writer today, from the money to the travel to the actual writing.

We also answer the question what is it actually like to write a book-length work in a month or two–particularly working in a tried and true formula you have little control over?

WEBINAR: Thursday, May 24: The Guidebook Guide Series – The Life of a Guidebook Writer

For the second webinar in our series on how to break into guidebook writing, we continue learning about the guidebook landscape for professional travel writers.

While you may have heard the bad and the ugly about life as a guidebook writer, we dig into the reality of those who have made it their full-time gig.

Download this webinar!

WEBINAR: Thursday, May 17: The Guidebook Guide Series – The Players and the Game

Not all guidebook companies are equal–for the writer, which is very different than in the public perception of the brand–when it comes to pay, treatment, and the writing process.

Join us for the first webinar in a new series on how to break into the publishing world through guidebook writing.

Download this webinar!

WEBINAR: Monday, April 30: Article Nuts and Bolts: How to Put Together a Diary Piece

In the second month of our new series walking through the construction of different types of articles, we hone in on the easy-to-write (and pitch!) staple of magazines everywhere: the front-of-book round-up.

A staple of websites and newspapers (yes!) these pieces are easy to do badly, so learn how to do them easily as they’re a quick type of article.

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WEBINAR: Tuesday, April 24: Article Nuts and Bolts: How to Put Together a Quest Piece

In the second month of our new series walking through the construction of different types of articles, we hone in on the easy-to-write (and pitch!) staple of magazines everywhere: the front-of-book round-up.

The bread-and-butter of travel features, the quest piece, is one of the easiest features to pitch, get readers interested in, and research.

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WORKSHOP: Thursday, April 19: Fresh Press: The Hottest Magazine News Brought to Your Town – Coming to Portland

From 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 19, 2018, Dream of Travel Writing presents a new travel writing master class to help you dramatically grow your freelance travel writing income.

511 SW 10th Ave
Collective Agency — Co-working Space

In this freelance travel writing master class, you’ll learn what is going on right now in the minds of travel editors behind desks around the world:

  • how trade, consumer, and custom staffs are different today
  • what magazines you’ve never heard of that you should be paying attention to–and pitching
  • where the sweet spots in the market are *for you*
  • what is going on internally with major magazines right now
  • and more

You’ll also get:

  • a light dinner of international goodies (we have to travel somehow in a travel writing workshop; even if it’s just with our palates) to fuel your brain through the presentations and exercises ($20 value)
  • a print copy of the 400-page, ultimate guide to making money as a travel writer: The Six-Figure Travel Writing Road Map ($20 value)
  • one month of access to exactly how to pitch hundreds of travel magazines with a Travel Magazine Database subscription ($20 value)

Learn more about this event.

WEBINAR: Thursday, April 19: Article Nuts and Bolts: How to Put Together a Guide Feature

In the second month of our new series walking through the construction of different types of articles, we hone in on the easy-to-write (and pitch!) staple of magazines everywhere: the front-of-book round-up.

A second type of round-up feature, the guide piece separates a large amount of information on a destination or topic into mini round-ups.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, April 19: Article Nuts and Bolts: How to Put Together a Basket of Kittens Feature

In the second month of our new series walking through the construction of different types of articles, we hone in on the easy-to-write (and pitch!) staple of magazines everywhere: the front-of-book round-up.

In this webinar, we dive into a type of round-up feature in which you take a deep dive on a handful of interestingly-related topics.

Download this webinar!

RETREAT: Friday, April 13, 2018, to Sunday, April 15, 2018 – Pitchapalooza

Pitching is the single best way to up your portfolio and income; get all of your questions answer and 25 ideas workshopped into polished pitches. If you know you can write and get good feedback from the editors you’re already working with but are having trouble moving up to bigger and better markets and stories, this event is for you.

This is one of the best and most beautiful times of year at the retreat center, with the garden chock full of fresh tomatoes for ever meal and perfect weather to take lessons and individual writing time outside.

This event is full. Look out for announcements for our next edition!

WEBINAR: Wednesday, April 4: Article Nuts and Bolts: How to Put Together a “Postcard”

Join us as we begin this new segment of our Article Nuts and Bolts series with the elusive “postcard.”

Its trivial name suggests many things, and a well-written postcard creates all of those sense memories and more. “Postcards,” which offer an atmospheric moment in a place, are dying art, but an excellent one for those in travel writing for the writing aspect.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, March 22: Taking Control of Your Ideas, Pitches and Follow-ups

Join us for the final chapter in our series on operating the business side of your freelance travel writing business.

You can have all the article ideas in there world, but if you can’t find the information you need to pitch them to the right markets, you’re toast. We’ll explore how to capture ideas the second you have them, store them for later, and how to adapt best practices to what works for you.

Download this webinar!

RETREAT: Friday, March 16, 2018, to Sunday, March 18, 2018 – Ideafest

Whether you’re brand new to freelance writing, have a blogging background, or are coming to travel writing from another type of freelance writing, this weekend workshop is designed to make sure that you never run out of the travel writers’ most important currency: article ideas that are laser focused and a perfect fit for the magazine you’re pitching.

As you learn how to become an idea machine and walk away with 100 ideas matched to magazines, we’ll discuss how to find and formulate ideas whether you’re on the road or cooped up at home with nothing to inspire you but the internet, and you’ll see how to take any one kernel of an idea and reshape and slant it for dozens of magazines.

This event has ended. Look out for announcements for our next edition!

WEBINAR: Thursday, March 15: Taking Control of How You Track and Reach Your Travel Writing Goals

In the third hour of our series on running the operations of your freelance travel writing business, we expand the the big picture and how to ensure your big dreams become tangible reality.

To grow your travel writing income, you need a reliable, repeatable system for ensuring your have your eye on your benchmarks and pivot to meet them. We’ll explore how to adopt the systems big businesses use to great success for your solopreneaur writing business.

Download this webinar!

WEBINAR: Tuesday, March 6: Taking Control of Your Freelance Travel Writing Time

In this week’s new free webinar on Taking Control of Your Freelance Travel Writing Time–the single most important groundwork I lay with our coaching program members so that they can handle the work they want to do when it starts coming in–we’ll dive into the number one difference I see between the people who “do it” and those that don’t: how they spend their freelance time–you always have choices.

This is the second webinar in our new series on the business side of your freelance travel writing business that began with last week’s “Taking Control of Your Freelance Travel Writing Finances.”

Download this webinar!

WEBINAR: Thursday, March 1: Taking Control of Your Freelance Travel Writing Finances

Join us for a new series on getting the business side of your freelance travel writing business.

This week we’ll dive into everything you need to know to get your taxes in gear this years. We are not licensed tax advisors, but unfortunately most accountants don’t know the nitty gritty of this profession, so we’ll steer you the right way.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, February 22: Article Nuts and Bolts: Putting Together a Business Profile

In the fourth webinar in our new series walking through the construction of different types of articles, we take an in-depth look at what should be the bread and butter of your freelance travel writing toolkit: the business profile.

We’ll walk through a part of the writing process–structuring your articles–that should come before your fingers hit the keyboard and before you even begin researching your piece to show you how to quit second-guessing yourself and save tremendous time on your articles.

Download this webinar!

WEBINAR: Thursday, February 15: Article Nuts and Bolts: Putting Together a Trend Piece

In the third webinar in our new series walking through the construction of different types of articles, we take an in-depth look at that illusive to brainstorm staple of magazines everywhere: the trend piece.

We’ll walk through a part of the writing process–structuring your articles–that should come before your fingers hit the keyboard and before you even begin researching your piece to show you how to quit second-guessing yourself and save tremendous time on your articles.

Download this webinar!

WEBINAR: Thursday, February 8: Article Nuts and Bolts: Putting Together a Front-of-Book Round-Up

In the second in our new series walking through the construction of different types of articles, we hone in on the easy-to-write (and pitch!) staple of magazines everywhere: the front-of-book round-up.

We’ll walk through a part of the writing process–structuring your articles–that should come before your fingers hit the keyboard and before you even begin researching your piece to show you how to quit second-guessing yourself and save tremendous time on your articles.

Download this webinar!

RETREAT: Week-long Freelance Travel Writing Bootcamp: Sunday, February 4, 2018, to Saturday, February 10, 2018

A brand new offering unlike any other travel conference or workshop aimed at those new to publishing their travel writing in print publications.

Running from Sunday evening through the following Saturday afternoon, each morning we’ll cover idea generation, research techniques, and pitching fundamentals in group lessons, one-on-one coaching, and exercises, and in the afternoon, we’ll head out to visit wineries, ground-breaking museums, and historic sites from the dawn of the nation to put your new skills to use in the field, followed by a debrief over dinner.

In addition to walking away with the tool kit you need to pitch, research, and write travel articles, you’ll also leave with a personal plan to grow your travel writing income and portfolio and transition into full-time freelance travel writing if you’re currently in another career. We’ve scheduled this event in February so we can have some of the Hudson Valley’s top attractions to ourselves during the tourist low season.

This event is full. Look out for announcements for our next edition!

WEBINAR: Thursday, February 1: Article Nuts and Bolts: Putting Together a News Brief

We’ll walk through a part of the writing process–structuring your articles–that should come before your fingers hit the keyboard and before you even begin researching your piece to show you how to quit second-guessing yourself and save tremendous time on your articles.

Download this webinar!

WEBINAR: Thursday, January 25: Creating Your Own Free Travel Plan with Points and Miles

Let us help you work out exactly what works for you in terms of free travel! Write in with where you’re based, where you travel to regularly, and what travel credit cards or points you’re already using, and we’ll make a plan to get you where you want to go.

Before workshopping those joining us live and write-in participants, we’ll walk through a step-by-step plan to ensuring that your travel and spending actually result in free flights rather than points that never seem to do anything for you.

Read more about this topic, and what we covered in the webinar, here.

WEBINAR: Tuesday, January 23: Fundamentals of Free Travel for Freelancers with Points and Miles

There has been a lot of talk in travel news in recent years about airlines cutting costs and taking away even the most basic amenities–including the value in their frequent flyer programs. But it’s actually become easier than ever to fly for free, thanks to another player in the points and miles market (credit card companies like Chase).
If you are a freelancer (a.k.a. small business), this system is actually designed for you. We’ll explore how and how to make the most of it.

RETREAT: Friday, January 12, 2018, to Sunday, January 14, 2018 – TravelContentCon

From who to target and how to reach them to building pitches and proposals and setting up your site for success with content marketing clients, we’ll set up you entire infrastructure for building travel content marketing gigs in one weekend through a mix of small group sessions, work time to put together your portfolio, pitch, and packages, and one-on-one coaching and work reviews.

We’re scheduling this at the beginning of January so that you can hit the ground running after the holidays when companies and tourism boards are gearing up for summer travel bookings.

This even has ended. Look out for announcements for our August edition!

WEBINAR: Thursday, December 21: Mapping Out Your Step-by-Step Plan for Success in the New Year

In a very special year-end webinar, we’ll continue the 2018 planning we began last week but move into scheduling specific your specific project goals and related actions throughout the year.

We invite our listeners to send in their prep from the earlier calls in this series so that they can have their plans for 2018 workshopped by Gabi (anonymously, of course!).

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WEBINAR: Thursday, December 14: Getting Crystal Clear on What You’ll Accomplish Next Year

Now that we’ve put last year to bed, it’s time to look forward. What will you do in the year to come?

As you’ve no doubt found over the years, goals have a nasty habit of not coming to fruition. In this webinar, we will look at a different way to set your course for the new year that you can follow no matter what–good or bad–gets in your way.

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WORKSHOP: Saturday, December 9: Get Published in Travel Magazines Now! – Los Angeles

If you have had a blog for years, know you’ve got writing and research skills, but just haven’t been able to crack the formula on what editors are looking for, this workshop is for you. In this three-hour workshop, we’ll cover everything you need to know about what editors are really looking for, how to create ideas they can’t ignore, and exactly what goes into pitches that get responses.

If you’re just poking around traveling writing and trying to see if this is for your, we’ll also help you understand the landscape, the stakes, and the odds, so you know if this is worth your time to pursue.

Get all the details, including the full workshop schedule, here. The workshop will run directly after the writer’s website workshop mentioned above, on Saturday, December 9, from 1pm to 4pm PST.

WORKSHOP: Saturday, December 9: Plan, Perfect, Polish, Publish: Get Your Writer’s Website Done Now

Many of you have asked me about your writer’s websites–if you need them, what should be on them, what services to list, what clips to include–and I know this is a big sticking point for many of you!

We do have a “recipe” for getting your personal writing website (a.k.a. you freelance writer homepage, which should be different than your blog, if you have one) done in one hour, but for those of you that have varied interests, offerings, or travel backgrounds, or have been doing this for a while and simply have a lot to showcase, I know the task seems much more overwhelming.

So we’re going to offer a live, one-off, online workshop (integrating the participation, getting things done, and one-on-one critiques we offer in all of our live events) to make sure your website is ready for the new year: Plan, Perfect, Polish, Publish: Get Your Writer’s Website Done Now.

Get more details, including a full schedule and FAQ for the workshop, which will take place on Saturday, December 9, from 1pm to 4pm EST (10am to 1pm PST, 6pm to 9pm GMT, 5am to 8am AEDT).

WEBINAR: Thursday, December 7: Taking Stock of the Past Year: How to SWOT Yourself Into Shape

In the previous webinar, we gathered the data we needed to really see what happened in your last year as a freelance travel writer and began to dive into what conclusions and next steps you could draw from there.

This webinar takes things a step further, adopting the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) business analysis for the travel writer to uncover what steps you should look to include in your plan for 2018.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, November 30: How to Clearly Catalog the Work and Opportunities You Have Now to See Where You Need to Go

This week, we dive headfirst into an honest look at exactly what each of you has in your income, relationship, and opportunity inventory as we continue our series on annual reviews as a travel writer.

We will not only walk through exactly what data on your business to collect for your review, but also how to draw conclusions from it as to what you need to do differently or more of in the year ahead.

*BONUS* This work will also give you a huge leg up on your taxes, in addition to positioning you to be just the helper your favorite editors need this time of year.

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WEBINAR: Wednesday, November 22: What is Standing Between You and Your Travel Writing Goals

As the beginning of our series on working through a comprehensive inventory of your business, where it’s going wrong, and a clear tactical plan that fits with your life to move you through the next year, we’ll devote a full hour this week to discussing the most common issues that keep travel writers spinning their weeks and how we will chart a course through them in the coming weeks.

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WEBINAR: Friday, November 17: The Art of the Essay & How to Find Them Everywhere

While some of your are at the point in your writing career of tentatively dipping your toes into the shallow end of the features pool, others of you have drunk the storytelling Koolaid and are looking for what is next.

Where do you go when you’re bored of writing features? What is next?

When you’ve amassed a considerable amount of knowledge about the areas you’ve covered along with writing experience, it’s time to consider the wide world of essays. There are an astonishing number of outlets to place them in, the pay is there, and, most importantly, you have the satisfaction of writing exactly what you want to write.

We’ll cover the landscape as well as how to start diving into writing magazine-style essays.

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WORKSHOP: Saturday, November 11: Master Magazine Pitching: A New Half Day Workshop to Take Your Freelance Writing to the NEXT Level

Feel like you need to get your butt in gear and do some serious pitching because you just aren’t where you thought you would be with your assignments, editor relationships, portfolio and income, and the year is (ek!) quickly coming to an end!? Join us for a new workshop, Mastering Magazine Pitching.

We’ll incorporate original research from analyzing more than 500 magazines in our Travel Magazine Database to show you exactly where the opportunities are for you today.

In multiple interactive segments, we’ll walk through exactly how to mine your past stories and future trips for article ideas and put pitches together in just five minutes along with methods to incorporate this quick pitching into your daily life.

Mastering Magazine Pitching will take place twice in the next few weeks: Sunday, November 5, from 1 to 4:30 pm in London and Saturday, November 11, from 1:30 to 5pm in New York.

WEBINAR: Thursday, November 9: Story Structure to Take Your Travel Feature Articles to the Next Level

Whether you’ve been scared of taking the leap into features because you’re “not that kind of writer” or have been wanting to move into features (or even starting to get those assignments) but spend an inordinate amount of time trying to research and structure those pieces so it feels like more work than it’s worth, this webinar is for you.

We’ll explore classic story structures that have been employed, literally, for millennia to guarantee an interesting story as well as travel feature-specific story structures that will have you turning out stories in an hour or two each.

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WORKSHOP: Sunday, November 5: Master Magazine Pitching: A New Half Day Workshop to Take Your Freelance Writing to the NEXT Level

Feel like you need to get your butt in gear and do some serious pitching because you just aren’t where you thought you would be with your assignments, editor relationships, portfolio and income, and the year is (ek!) quickly coming to an end!? Join us for a new workshop, Mastering Magazine Pitching.

We’ll incorporate original research from analyzing more than 500 magazines in our Travel Magazine Database to show you exactly where the opportunities are for you today.

In multiple interactive segments, we’ll walk through exactly how to mine your past stories and future trips for article ideas and put pitches together in just five minutes along with methods to incorporate this quick pitching into your daily life.

Mastering Magazine Pitching will take place twice in the next few weeks: Sunday, November 5, from 1 to 4:30 pm in London and Saturday, November 11, from 1:30 to 5pm in New York.

WEBINAR: Thursday, November 2: Mastering Style at a Sentence by Sentence Level

Continuing the groundwork we laid in last week’s call on AP style, we move into writing essentials on a structural level, beginning with sentence structure. I’ll unpack common issues I (and other editors) are increasingly seeing today and how to avoid them in your writing.

If you’ve been primarily writing on your own blog or for clients that don’t have in-house editors, this will bring your writing to the next level so that when you pitch editors, rather than an eyebrow raise and delete, your pitches elicit a sense of professional camaraderie due to your polished prose.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, October 26: Mastering AP Style: The Grammar Style of Choice for Publications

Showing an editor (in both your pitch and your article submission) that you already understand what she’s looking for is one of the best ways to forge a long-term relationship with an editor. But that goes behind simply familiarizing yourself with the publication.

Understanding and using AP style, the preferred grammar and style format for print and many online publications, can quickly broadcast to an editor that you have solid journalist experience (even if you actually don’t!).

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RETREAT: IdeaFest: Friday, October 20, 2017, to Sunday, October 22, 2017

Whether you’re brand new to freelance writing, have a blogging background, or are coming to travel writing from another type of freelance writing, this weekend workshop is designed to make sure that you never run out of the travel writers’ most important currency: article ideas that are laser-focused and a perfect fit for the magazine you’re pitching.

As you learn how to become an idea machine and walk away with 100 ideas matched to magazines, we’ll discuss how to find and formulate ideas whether you’re on the road or cooped up at home with nothing to inspire you but the internet, and you’ll see how to take any one kernel of an idea and reshape and slant it for dozens of magazines.

WEBINAR: Friday, October 20: Plating, Staging and Food Photography: Bringing Still Lifes to Life

I recently spoke at the International Food Bloggers Conference and picked up a couple cool styling things here that I’ll show you, but we’ll primarily be focusing on the concept of the still life and how to take age-old painting techniques into your photography to create amazing shots for Instagram and beyond.

You’ll learn food photography and more: this week we’ll cover staging, lighting, and how to create posed shots of everything except people on your trips.

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WEBINAR: Wednesday, September 27: Creating a Shot List to Organize Your Trips Around Salable Photography

Last week, we dove into the types of photographs that magazines are looking for. Now, we break down a step-by-step method to organize your trips to ensure you get the shots you need to fill out your stories and enter the (thriving, actually!) world of photo essays.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, September 21: The Difference Between the Photos You’re Shooting Now and What Magazines are Publishing

Learn how to get the shots that editors need so you can get more assignments and make more money with your pieces.

We will look at the shots that work online and those that most of us shoot most of the time and what the difference is in terms of the approach to shot format, variety, and composition to generate the types of photos magazines can use.

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RETREAT: Weeklong Freelance Travel Writing Bootcamp: Sunday, September 17, 2017, to Saturday, September 23, 2017

A brand new offering unlike any other travel conference or workshop aimed at those new to publishing their travel writing in print publications.

Running from Sunday evening through the following Saturday afternoon, each morning we’ll cover idea generation, research techniques, and pitching fundamentals in group lessons, one-on-one coaching, and exercises, and in the afternoon we’ll head out to visit wineries, native plant nurseries, celebrated hiking trails, and historic sites from the dawn of the nation to put your new skills to use in the field, followed by a debrief over dinner.

In addition to walking away with the tool kit you need to pitch, research, and write travel articles, you’ll also leave with a personal plan to grow your travel writing income and portfolio and transition into full-time freelance travel writing if you’re currently in another career. We’ve scheduled this at the end of September to make sure we have as optimal weather as possible for outdoor activities and photography.

WEBINAR: Thursday, September 14: The Art of The Follow Up – The Simple Key to Dramatically More Assignments

We’ll talk about timing, scripts, and mechanics of following up with editors on your pitches.

If you have tricky editor responses you aren’t (or weren’t if they’ve come in in the past and you let the coals go cold because you weren’t sure what to do) sure how to respond to, please send them my way!

I’d love to anonymously share some more unusual or downright awkward editor responses and how to handle them.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, September 7: Ghost(writ)ing on the Web as a Travel Writer

In this week’s webinar, we’re wrapping up our series on specific ways to move into travel content marketing–just in time to hit the ground running this fall as travel companies and tourism boards plan their 2018 marketing. moving past the landing-the-gig stage and into the what-to-do-once-you’re-got-the-client phase.

So many small travel businesses, whether tour companies or concierge travel bookers, are built around the judgment and expertise of the owner. A blog showcasing those unique advantages is a no-brainer for these companies to build trust with prospective customers, but the owner rarely has the time–or the writing chops.

We’ll unpack the process of creating ghostwritten content for your travel blogging clients.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, August 31: Best Practices When Writing on the Web for Travel Companies

In this webinar, we’re moving past the landing-the-gig stage and into the what-to-do-once-you’re-got-the-client phase.

Even if you’ve had your own blog for years, tune in to learn the best practices in blogging technique and style when writing for companies and tourism boards, which are trying to provide information quick to readers who may have never visited their site before and may never come back again once they’ve gotten what they needed.

It’s a different audience from a personal blog that readers tune into because they love your personality, and we’ll handle how to navigate the transition.

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RETREAT: TravelContentCon: Friday, August 25, 2017, to Sunday, August 27, 2017

From who to target and how to reach them to building pitches and proposals and setting up your site for success with content marketing clients, we’ll set up you entire infrastructure for building travel content marketing gigs in one weekend through a mix of small group sessions, work time to put together your portfolio, pitch, and packages, and one-on-one coaching and work reviews.

We’re scheduling this at the end of August so that you can hit the ground running in September when companies are wrapping up their summer tourism rush and planning their marketing for the upcoming year.

WEBINAR: Thursday, August 24: How to Sell Blogging to Travel Companies and Tourism Boards

We’ve looked in our January month on finding travel content marketing clients in-depth at the process of identifying, pitching, calling, and writing proposals for travel content marketing gigs of all stripes.

But this week, we’re going to follow up on last week’s call with the director of communications for Visit Tucson on exactly what statistics, industry terms, and buttons to push you need to know to get yourself in the door with, fielding assignments from, and signing recurring contracts with tourism boards and travel companies.

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WEBINAR: Wednesday, August 16: Tourism Board and Company Blogs vs. Personal Blogs and How to Make the Jump

We’ve got a series of webinars on how to land specific types of travel content marketing gigs coming up, and for this week’s webinar on Tourism Board and Company Blogs vs. Personal Blogs and How to Make the Jump , I’m bringing in the director of communications from Visit Tucson, Dan Gibson.

Dan himself was formerly a journalist before making the jump into the tourism board side, so he has a unique perspective on what you need to know to transition into this type of writing.

In this webinar, I’ll go through examples of the content travel companies and tourism boards are looking for before Dan comes in to talk about how own transition and how freelancers can working with tourism boards like his.

WORKSHOP: Tuesday, August 15: San Francisco Freelance Travel Writing Master Class

This is not just going to be me talking at you about how to pitch, what editors are looking for, and how to make money from blogging. You probably already know everything that you need to know about those things.

What we are going to do is much more hands on.

We are going to look in naked, nitty-gritty detail at exactly where your travel writing (or general freelance writing if you do more things but would like to transition to just travel) income is coming from, how you earn it, how you’d like to earn it, and what type of work you need to do and clients you need to work with to hit your big, fat, crazy income goal.

Learn more.

WORKSHOP: Sunday, August 6: Get Published in Travel Magazines Now! Sydney

In this Get Published in Travel Magazines Now! Workshop, you’ll learn the all the most important tricks of professional travel writers:

  • the magazine landscape and the best places for you to break in, even if you’ve never been published before
  • what travel magazine editors really want—and exactly how to give it to them
  • how to break your trips into story ideas and match them to magazines
  • a verifiable way to come up with solid story ideas editors will love
  • how to write pitch emails that editors respond to—in just 15 minutes (including research)

Learn more.

WORKSHOP: Sunday, August 6: Sydney Freelance Travel Writing Master Class

This is not just going to be me talking at you about how to pitch, what editors are looking for, and how to make money from blogging. You probably already know everything that you need to know about those things.

What we are going to do is much more hands on.

We are going to look in naked, nitty gritty detail at exactly where your travel writing (or general freelance writing if you do more things but would like to transition to just travel) income is coming from, how you earn it, how you’d like to earn it, and what type of work you need to do and clients you need to work with to hit your big, fat, crazy income goal.

Learn more.

WORKSHOP: Saturday, August 5: Get Published in Travel Magazines Now! Melbourne

In this Get Published in Travel Magazines Now! Workshop, you’ll learn the all the most important tricks of professional travel writers:

  • the magazine landscape and the best places for you to break in, even if you’ve never been published before
  • what travel magazine editors really want—and exactly how to give it to them
  • how to break your trips into story ideas and match them to magazines
  • a verifiable way to come up with solid story ideas editors will love
  • how to write pitch emails that editors respond to—in just 15 minutes (including research)

Learn more.

WORKSHOP: Saturday, August 5: Melbourne Freelance Travel Writing Master Class

This is not just going to be me talking at you about how to pitch, what editors are looking for, and how to make money from blogging. You probably already know everything that you need to know about those things.

What we are going to do is much more hands on.

We are going to look in naked, nitty-gritty detail at exactly where your travel writing (or general freelance writing if you do more things but would like to transition to just travel) income is coming from, how you earn it, how you’d like to earn it, and what type of work you need to do and clients you need to work with to hit your big, fat, crazy income goal.

Learn more.

RETREAT: Pitchapalooza: Friday, July 28, 2017, to Sunday, July 30, 2017

Pitching is the single best way to up your portfolio and income; get all of your questions answer and 25 ideas workshopped into polished pitches. If you know you can write and get good feedback from the editors you’re already working with but are having trouble moving up to bigger and better markets and stories, this event is for you.

This is one of the best and most beautiful times of year at the retreat center, with the garden chock full of fresh tomatoes for ever meal and perfect weather to take lessons and individual writing time outside.

WEBINAR: Thursday, July 27: What Types of Articles Should You Be Writing?

In this webinar, we cover the different major types of articles that you should be looking out for when you’re on the road: examples of these types of articles, how to pitch them, and how to write them.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, July 20: How to Get the Most (On the Ground) Out of Your Press Trips

In past webinars, especially those on breaking your trips into pitches, we often discuss the different major types of articles that you should be looking out for when you’re on the road.

But you often ask me for examples of these types of articles, how to pitch them, and how to write them. This week, we’re going to do an overview to start your creative juices flowing.

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WEBINAR: Wednesday, July 12: How to Prepare for Your Press Trips

In the previous webinar, we looked in detail about all of the things that you need to clarify expectations on before your press trip (including several recommendations of how to handle requests for itinerary changes, additional nights, and flights).

In this webinar, we look more about the story side of pre-trip preparation, including how to break your trip into stories, what is safe to pitch based on a limited itinerary or destination you’re not familiar with, and how to handle the catch-22 of pitching when you haven’t yet been accepted on a trip.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, July 6: What to Expect on Press Trips

Summer is prime travel time for leisure travelers, but increasingly press trips, travel industry conferences, and individual sponsored excursions are taking place during these peak travel months, so we’re going to spend the next four weeks looking at the pre-, during, and post- aspects of press trips so you can get the most of any sponsored travel you have coming up this summer or are planning down the line.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, June 29: How to Handle Questions and Responses in Interviews (Live Demo!)

Featuring Visit Lane County and Visit Milwaukee!

In this very special webinar, I will interview real tourism boards and other representatives to show you exactly what to ask, how to expand, how to move on, and how to make sure you get what you need on the fly in your interviews.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, June 22: Transforming Interviews into an Article (Live Demo!)

By popular request, in this webinar, I’ll walk through the process of organizing notes and quotations from interviews into a full reported feature article from start to finish. The entire webinar will be a live demo using real interviews.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, June 15: Securing Interview Sources to Make Your Stories Sing

I’m always shocked when I see people selling lists of contacts at tourism boards. They aren’t hard to find! And, you’d be shocked how many (important!) people are not only available, but very happy to speak with you for your articles. We’ll look at how to find the right people for each piece.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, June 8: Secrets to Successful Interviews for Your Travel Articles

If you come into travel writing from a non-journalism background, the prospect of conducting official interviews can be daunting.

This week, we’ll cut past the anxiety and unpack exactly what you do and don’t need to know about doing interviews to flesh out your articles–and how learning to rock them can make your writing process much faster and more effective.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, June 1, 2017 – How to Become Part of an Editor’s Stable

To have a stable source of recurring revenue–the best way to build a sustainable, worry-free, forward-looking freelance travel writing career–writing for magazines, you need to stop writing for a magazine just once and focus on long-term relationships.

We look at how to build those relationships with editors with copious quotes right from the sources that I’ve drawn from editor panels at recent events with major newsstand titles represented.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, May 18, 2017 – How to Write a Letter of Introduction–The Pitch Equivalent for Trade Magazines

Unlike consumer and custom magazines, trade magazine editors are approached by something called an LOI or letter or introduction, which has more in common with a cover letter on a job application than a magazine pitch.

We look at when to use a letter of introduction, how to craft your own boilerplate one for each vertical within the travel trade world that you’re looking to pitch, and how to avoid information overload.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, May 11, 2017 – Writing for Travel Trade Magazines 101

These magazines work quite different than custom and consumer titles in many ways, notably editors pitch you ideas rather than the other way around, making your hourly rate go way up. Some trade editors will even provide you with interview sources!

Trade magazines are the single best way to establish a clear pipeline of assignments and also maximize your hourly rate when writing for magazines, and we look at how, why, and how to get started writing for them in this week’s webinar.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, May 4, 2017 – How to Build Serious Business Partnerships at Travel Conferences

Made up stat (from covering conferences for magazines for four years and attending them for work for considerably longer), but I really think that only around 2-5% of people follow up with those they get cards from at conferences. And it’s on the decline. And those that do follow up by and large make it all about them.

In this webinar, you’ll hear how to be the one that walks away with the juicy content writing gig, sponsorship contract, or kick-ass individual fam trip.

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WORKSHOP: Thursday, May 4, 2017: Seattle Freelance Travel Writing Master Class

This is not just going to be me talking at you about how to pitch, what editors are looking for, and how to make money from blogging. You probably already know everything that you need to know about those things.

What we are going to do is much more hands on.

We are going to look in naked, nitty gritty detail at exactly where your travel writing (or general freelance writing if you do more things but would like to transition to just travel) income is coming from, how you earn it, how you’d like to earn it, and what type of work you need to do and clients you need to work with to hit your big, fat, crazy income goal.

Learn more.

WORKSHOP: Tuesday, May 2, 2017: New York Freelance Travel Writing Master Class

This is not just going to be me talking at you about how to pitch, what editors are looking for, and how to make money from blogging. You probably already know everything that you need to know about those things.

What we are going to do is much more hands on.

We are going to look in naked, nitty gritty detail at exactly where your travel writing (or general freelance writing if you do more things but would like to transition to just travel) income is coming from, how you earn it, how you’d like to earn it, and what type of work you need to do and clients you need to work with to hit your big, fat, crazy income goal.

Learn more.

WORKSHOP: Friday, April 28, 2017: London Freelance Travel Writing Master Class

This is not just going to be me talking at you about how to pitch, what editors are looking for, and how to make money from blogging. You probably already know everything that you need to know about those things.

What we are going to do is much more hands on.

We are going to look in naked, nitty gritty detail at exactly where your travel writing (or general freelance writing if you do more things but would like to transition to just travel) income is coming from, how you earn it, how you’d like to earn it, and what type of work you need to do and clients you need to work with to hit your big, fat, crazy income goal.

Learn more.

WEBINAR: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 – How to Use the Travel Magazine Database to Power Up Your Pitches

Experienced pitchers dive right in and start pounding out queries and increasing their income, but newer writers (or those new to pitching) need more dot connecting in terms of how the sections in a magazine that are open to freelancers translate to the actual words on the page of a pitch.

In this webinar, I not only walk through some different ways to use the database that can open up new avenues for your pitching, but also write some pitches live based on sections in the database to show how it’s done.

Read more about this topic, and what we covered in the webinar, here. Download this webinar!

WEBINAR: Thursday, April 20, 2017 – Answers to Your Most Common Pitch Questions

In our weekly webinars, in my inbox, on coaching calls, and in my talks at conferences and workshops, I’m always getting questions on pitching. While there are some basic questions that come up again and again, there are also deeper, more “circumstance”-based questions that many are afraid to ask in a group setting because they think they’ve done something wrong in their pitch or editor-writer etiquette to get into the situation in the first place.

In this webinar, I share from my huge store of these pitching questions for both the newer writers and people who have been doing this for a while.

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WORKSHOP: Thursday, April 20, 2017: Chicago Freelance Travel Writing Master Class

This is not just going to be me talking at you about how to pitch, what editors are looking for, and how to make money from blogging. You probably already know everything that you need to know about those things.

What we are going to do is much more hands on.

We are going to look in naked, nitty gritty detail at exactly where your travel writing (or general freelance writing if you do more things but would like to transition to just travel) income is coming from, how you earn it, how you’d like to earn it, and what type of work you need to do and clients you need to work with to hit your big, fat, crazy income goal.

Learn more.

WEBINAR: Thursday, April 13, 2017 – Putting Together a Pitch Portfolio to Support a Big Trip

In this webinar, we walk through several press trip itineraries to show who and what to pitch to set up a varied portfolio of coverage for each trip. We discuss five techniques you can use to ensure an impressive pitch portfolio to accompany any press trip request, and how to handle this process whether you’ve never been published and have no connections or have editors that you work with already but perhaps want to branch out to a new subject or geographic area.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, April 06, 2017 – Getting a Spot on a Group Fam or Press Trip

In the past few webinars, we’ve looked at the basic tenets of sponsored travel and how to piece together an individual sponsored trip.

In this webinar, we focused on group familiarization and press trips, which primarily come out of tourism boards and PR agencies, but can also appear in other surprising places. We look at where to find these trips and best practices for applying for them.

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WORKSHOP: Sunday, April 2, 2017: Portland Freelance Travel Writing Master Class

This is not just going to be me talking at you about how to pitch, what editors are looking for, and how to make money from blogging. You probably already know everything that you need to know about those things.

What we are going to do is much more hands on.

We are going to look in naked, nitty gritty detail at exactly where your travel writing (or general freelance writing if you do more things but would like to transition to just travel) income is coming from, how you earn it, how you’d like to earn it, and what type of work you need to do and clients you need to work with to hit your big, fat, crazy income goal.

Learn more.

WORKSHOP: Saturday, April 1, 2017: Seattle Freelance Travel Writing Master Class

This is not just going to be me talking at you about how to pitch, what editors are looking for, and how to make money from blogging. You probably already know everything that you need to know about those things.

What we are going to do is much more hands on.

We are going to look in naked, nitty gritty detail at exactly where your travel writing (or general freelance writing if you do more things but would like to transition to just travel) income is coming from, how you earn it, how you’d like to earn it, and what type of work you need to do and clients you need to work with to hit your big, fat, crazy income goal.

Learn more.

WEBINAR: Thursday, March 30, 2017 – How to Set Up an Individual Trip from Scratch

In this section we’re going to dive head first into how exactly to plan your own individual sponsored trips that fits your interests, travel preferences, and schedule.

Here we look at where to find these trips and best practices for applying. I pull real press trips, read between the lines, and break down exactly what you would do in each situation of your application.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, March 23, 2017 – Setting Up Sponsored Trips 101

Getting on a sponsored trip is the holy grail of travel writing, right? Living a life in which you effortlessly hop from one free trip to another, spending your days enjoying haute cuisine and your nights in the fluffy king bed of your complimentary suite? Here we discuss the basic tenets of free travel as a travel writer, from ethics to minimum barrier of entry to the different types of trips, and their various pros and cons.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, March 16, 2017 – How to Get Work Done When You’re On the Road

As a freelance travel writer, your days are composed of some balance of three things: marketing your travel articles, writing the articles, and traveling to commissioned research articles or those that you’ll pitch next.

In this webinar, we cover are approaches to partitioning your time on the road, maximizing efficiency in times that don’t at first look like work opportunities, and tricks for being productive anywhere.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, March 2, 2017 – Don’t Create “Ideas” Out of Nowhere: How to Always Find Them When You Need Them

I’ve found the the process of coming up with the right ideas is much more of an issue than actually writing the pitch. Once you’ve got the idea right, the rest comes much more easily.

In this webinar, we work in detail through three different ways to generate ideas from magazines and three ways to come up with ideas “from thin air”. Never be worried about *what* to pitch again.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, February 23, 2017 – The Magazine Landscape: Where All the Assignments are Hiding

As we come up on a milestone of 300 magazines in the Travel Magazine Database, even I’m struck by how many fully-travel and travel adjacent magazines are out there looking for content.

In this webinar, we look at five types of magazines looking for travel content that you may be missing out on, and three ways to find more magazines that you’ve never heard of to pitch.

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RETREAT: February 17-19, 2017 – IdeaFest

As you learn how to become an idea machine and walk away with 100 ideas matched to magazines, we’ll discuss how to find and formulate ideas whether you’re on the road or cooped up at home with nothing to inspire you but the internet, and you’ll see how to take any one kernel of an idea and reshape and slant it for dozens of magazines.

WEBINAR: Thursday, February 16, 2017 – The Secrets of Six-Figure Travel Writers

As a travel writer earning six figures for several years, I used to get a lot of questions at industry conferences about just how exactly I did it, so I started coaching new, struggling and transitioning travel writers along the journey.

In this webinar, we explore the misconceptions that keep people from achieving their income goals as a travel writer and you’ll leave with tools to increase your income right away.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, February 2, 2017 – Pricing, Negotiating, and Contracts (for Travel Content Marketing and Magazine Writing)

In this webinar, in addition to covering the sections to make sure you include in your travel writing contracts, I cover general pricing and negotiation. Here you can find out what you “should” be charging in different situations…along with what you could be asking for when an editor names a price to you.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, January 26, 2017 – How to Close the Deal: Proposals and Phone Calls that Get Results

In the last few webinars we covered what types of opportunities are out there, how to identify the right companies to approach, and how to write your travel content marketing pitch so that people will be compelled to reply. Here we walk through how to qualify what a prospect needs on the phone and then put it into a tantalizing collaboration proposal.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, January 19, 2017 – How to Craft a Travel Content Marketing Pitch that Gets Attention

In the third portion of our coverage on travel content marketing writing, I break down the steps of putting together your own pitch to send cold to companies and tourism boards you think would benefit from your services, including powerful statistics on content marketing ROI to include and just how much information to give away to keep your prospect interested without setting them up to go execute your plan without you.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, January 12, 2017 – How to Locate the People Who Need Your Travel Content Marketing Writing

We continue looking at where the big money in travel writing is hiding this week in part two of our series on travel content marketing writing: how to identify the people you can approach for this type of work, whether companies or tourism boards.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, January 5, 2017 – How to Earn Big with Travel Content Marketing Writing

Have you had a blog at any time in the past? Even if you never got the numbers to where you felt like you could become a professional blogger, you have a valuable skill set that travel companies and tourism boards need.

In this webinar, we talk about the different opportunities for travel content marketing writing–from blog posts to content strategy to choosing and editing photos for Instagram–what kind of pay you can expect, and where to start looking for these opportunities.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, December 29, 2016 – How to Generate Sure-Fire Saleable Ideas

Instead of generating article ideas and then trying to find a magazine that will take your idea, I find starting your brainstorming with the sections magazines include yields a much higher success rate.

In this webinar, we cover techniques that you can also use with any magazine that you have a copy of and ensures that your pitches hit the mark and you get responses from editors.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, December 22, 2016 – How to Hone Your Travel Article Ideas to Perfectly Fit Each Magazine

In this webinar we workshopped article concepts into ready-to-pitch, focused ideas with multiple angles matched to specific magazines.

I pre-matched them with specific sections from multiple magazines and walked through the process of honing an article “idea” from your concept into something adapted to a magazine and ready to pitch.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, December 15, 2016 – How to Break Your Trips into the Maximum Number of Article Ideas

Does one trip equate to just one story? Certainly not if you’re looking to make a living as a travel writer. In fact, it’s much more normal for full-time writers deriving their entire income from travel writing to place 10-12 articles from one trip–right when they first return.

In this webinar, we discuss the basic tenets of free travel as a travel writer, from ethics to minimum barrier to entry to the different types of trips and their various pros and cons.

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WEBINAR: Thursday, November 17, 2016 – How to Craft the Perfect Travel Article Pitch

You can take workshop after workshop on how to write the perfect travel article, but if your pitches aren’t landing assignments, it’s all for naught. In this webinar, we walk step-by-step through what you need to know to write the perfect pitch–and everything that you should leave out.

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RETREAT: November 11-13, 2016 – Pitchapalooza

Pitching is the single best way to up your portfolio and income; get all of your questions answer and 25 ideas workshopped into polished pitches. If you know you can write and get good feedback from the editors you’re already working with but are having trouble moving up to bigger and better markets and stories, this event is for you.

WEBINAR: Thursday, November 10, 2016 – How to Increase Your Pitch Success Rate by Analyzing Magazines

The process of pitching regularly will drastically improve your income and portfolio, and editors respond best to pitches that demonstrate a knowledge of their publication.

The best way to demonstrate that knowledge is by only pitching specific sections of the magazine. In this webinar we show you exactly how to do just that.

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WORKSHOP: November 5, 2016 – Get Published in Travel Magazines Now! London

In this Get Published in Travel Magazines Now! Workshop, you’ll learn the all the most important tricks of professional travel writers:

  • the magazine landscape and the best places for you to break in, even if you’ve never been published before
  • what travel magazine editors really want—and exactly how to give it to them
  • how to break your trips into story ideas and match them to magazines
  • a verifiable way to come up with solid story ideas editors will love
  • how to write pitch emails that editors respond to—in just 15 minutes (including research)

WEBINAR: Thursday, November 3, 2016 – Triple Your Travel Writing Income Writing for Magazines

For years naysayers have claimed that there is no money to be made in the magazine industry, the fact is that magazines still pay significantly better than websites–and there’s many more opportunities to write about travel for print magazines than you realize. Sleek, well-paying, new travel magazines are actually popping up every week. You just need to know where to find them.

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