All Posts Tagged: pitch strategy
Do Travel Magazines and Newspaper Travel Sections Still Pay?
One of the biggest myths about travel writing that I’ve encountered is about the pay for travel content.
For years, people have been going around saying there is no pay for writers anymore. Yet somehow a lot of us still earn a living this way.
A Simple, Crazy Successful Way to Start Making $2k (Minimum) This Month as a Travel Writer
One aspect of the typical travel writer’s life is that not every bit of work is a web or magazine article (or something related to one).
I could give you dozens of examples of “every day” working travel writers’ additional income streams (the sample breakdowns of six-figure travel writing incomes are a good place to start), but let’s look at some huge folks who are basically the “giants” of travel writing:
- Don George
- Tim Leffel
- Jeff Greenwald
Don’t Have Travel Writing Work? Why Not?
How to Write a Travel Article Pitch that Sells–In 15 Minutes
When it comes to pitching, I tend to read a lot more blogs, websites and books about other types of journalism—everything from business to health to international news.
I’m not saying that travel writers (those who have a lot of assignments) don’t know how to pitch, but it just seems that not a lot of folks talk about, specifically, how to write pitches in the way you need to to be a well-paid, busy writer:
- clearly
- quickly
- without a lot of emotional investment
Before or After: When Should You Pitch Your Travel Story?
Like “should I write the story before I approach an editor?”, this is one of the main questions I get from people who would like to write for travel magazines.
The truth of the matter is: it depends.
But I can tell you what it depends on.