A travel writing teacher from The Writers College, a writing school that offers programs in the U.K., Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as online, recently interviewed my on what it takes to make it as professional travel writer.

We covered everything from starting out, getting your first clips, and how to break into the glossies:

Q: Do you have any tips for students on breaking into the big, glossy magazines?

A: Make it a personal experience story, with a quest element, either something tragic or something tragically entertaining. The only way to break into a big magazine on your first time out is to have a truly personal story. If you are new, you can’t sell them something anyone else can write. Send them something that’s both a fantastic story, and one that no one else could possibly write.

I feel very passionately that you should not be learning for free. Regional magazines are one of the best places to hit, because these editors are relying on freelancers to bring them stories. If you have a good idea, they are willing to work with you, because they need you to bring that idea to life, and they can help you with the writing.

Check out the entire interview here, and thank you again to Donna Dailey for the lovely chat and for featuring us!