All Posts Tagged: freelance travel writing career
Use This Coupon for $100 Off The Classes You Need to Build the Most Critical Foundations of Your Writing Business
You are a business.
But how does entrepreneurship really works in such a small scale? Especially with an inherently service-based businesses?
An Important Public Service Announcement About Following Up on Your Freelance Pitches
This week, I wanted to take a minute for an important travel-writing public service announcement on following up with editors after a pitch!
But this topic is not only near and dear to my heart because it is a such a big deal for writers, but as it seems like we are reaching a certain tipping point here that doesn’t have a good solution.
Do You Diversify Your Travel Writing Client Portfolio Like a Wall Street Bada$$?
Do Travel Magazines and Newspaper Travel Sections Still Pay?
One of the biggest myths about travel writing that I’ve encountered is about the pay for travel content.
For years, people have been going around saying there is no pay for writers anymore. Yet somehow a lot of us still earn a living this way.
How 10 Travel Writers Parlay Micro Niches into Major Assignments
Earlier this week, we talked about:
- how having other interests besides travel can give you a leg up breaking into travel writing
- why it’s important to write about those interests in a travel-related context, not just for magazines in those fields
- how easy it is to look at your own life and see what interests you can already mine
Today, I want to widen your view of what these travel research interests can be. We are looking at 10 real, working travel writers who aren’t the Tim Cahills or the folks who have necessarily written books on how to be a travel writer. They are just regular people who work with their stable of editors, pay their mortgages, and make a solid living travel writing.