In honor of our first anniversary, we’ve launched an exciting new feature: You can now stream all of our past webinars–one each day–for free.

These webinars are only available at the times listed, live, but you can catch the replay in video, audio, and transcript form, along with the webinar slides, at any time in our on-demand webinar library.

Check out the full schedule of January’s webinars and register for your favorites below.

January Free Daily Webinars

Each weekday at 2pm PST / 5pm EST / 10pm GMT / 11pm CET (and 9am AEDT Tues-Sat), enjoy one of the webinars from our library for free.
Jan 1: The Difference Between the Photos You're Shooting Now and What Magazines are Publishing

Jan 2: Creating a Shot List to Organize Your Trips Around Saleable Photography

Jan 3: Plating, Staging, and Food Photography: Bringing Still Lifes to Life

Jan 4: Mastering AP Style: The Grammar Style of Choice for Publications

Jan 5: Mastering Style at a Sentence by Sentence Level

Jan 8: Story Structure to Take Your Travel Feature Articles to the Next Level

Jan 9: The Art of the Essay and How to Find Them Everywhere

Jan 10: Annual Review Part 1: What is Standing Between You and Your Travel Writing Goals

Jan 11: Annual Review Part 2: How to Clearly Catalog the Work and Opportunities You Have Now to See Where You Need to Go

Jan 12: Annual Review Part 3: Taking Stock of the Past Year to SWOT Yourself Into Shape

Jan 15: Annual Review Part 4: Getting Crystal Clear on What You'll Accomplish Next Year

Jan 16: Annual Review Part 5: Mapping Out Your Step-by-Step Plan for 2018 Success

Jan 17: How to Earn Big with Travel Content Marketing

Jan 18: How to Locate the People Who Need Your Travel Content Marketing

Jan 19: How to Craft a Travel Content Marketing Pitch that Gets Attention

Jan 22: How to Close the Deal: Proposals and Phone Calls that Get Results

Jan 23: Pricing, Negotiating, and Contracts (for Travel Content Marketing and Magazine Writing)

Jan 24: How to Build Serious Business Partnerships at Travel Conferences

Jan 25: Tourism Board and Company Blogs vs. Personal Blogs and How to Make the Jump -- With Special Guest from Visit Tucson

Jan 26: How to Sell Blogging to Tourism Boards and Travel Companies

Jan 29: Best Practices When Writing on the Web for Travel Companies

Jan 30: Ghost(writ)ing on the Web as a Travel Writer

Jan 31: Setting Up Sponsored Trips 101

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