In the two years since we began running regular one-hour travel writing classes, we’ve covered more than 80 topics, including:

  • how to land free trips
  • how to get paid really, really well for your writing
  • how to get on magazine editors’ good sides
  • how to navigate every step of the process to land travel content marketing work, including phone calls and proposals
  • how to keep your hourly rate down so your bank account goes up
  • how to get work done on the road
  • how to write, step-by-step, 15 different types of travel articles
  • how to land guidebook and other traditional publishing deals

You can grab access to all of our past webinars (and a ton of other resources you can’t find anywhere else) with a subscription to our Dream Buffet or grab them one-by-one when you need them in our On-Demand Webinar Library for a set with the video, audio, transcript, and slides.

But we also air a free replay of one of our travel writing classes each and every weekday.

Each weekday at 2pm PST / 5pm EST / 10pm GMT / 11pm CET (and 9am AEDT Tues-Sat), we show one webinar from our archives, rotating though all of them over the course of four months.

Here’s what we’ve got for you this week:

Monday, May 20, 5pm EST: Tourism Board and Company Blogs vs. Personal Blogs and How to Make the Jump — With Special Guest from Visit Tucson

In this webinar, I speak with the director of communications from Visit Tucson, Dan Gibson.

Dan himself was formerly a journalist before making the jump into the tourism board side, so he has a unique perspective on what you need to know to transition into this type of writing.

I go through examples of the content travel companies and tourism boards are looking for before Dan comes in to talk about how own transition and how freelancers can working with tourism boards like his.

Register to attend this webinar at 5pm EST on Monday, May 20.

Missed the free replay? You can grab a downloadable version of this webinar from our library here.

Tuesday, May 21, 5pm EST: How to Sell Blogging to Tourism Boards and Travel Companies

In this webinar, we follow up on the previous call with the director of communications for Visit Tucson on exactly what statistics, industry terms, and buttons to push you need to know to get yourself in the door with, fielding assignments from, and signing recurring contracts with tourism boards and travel companies.

Register to attend this webinar at 5pm EST on Tuesday, May 21.

Missed the free replay? You can grab a downloadable version of this webinar from our library here.

Wednesday, May 22, 5pm EST: How to Locate the People Who Need Your Travel Content Marketing Writing

In this webinar, we continue looking at where the big money in travel writing is hiding this week in part two of our series on travel content marketing writing: how to identify the people you can approach for this type of work, whether companies or tourism boards.

Register to attend this webinar at 5pm EST on Wednesday, May 22.

Missed the free replay? You can grab a downloadable version of this webinar from our library here.

Thursday, May 23, 5pm EST: How to Craft a Travel Content Marketing Pitch that Gets Attention

In the third portion of our coverage on travel content marketing writing, I break down the steps of putting together your own pitch to send cold to companies and tourism boards you think would benefit from your services, including powerful statistics on content marketing ROI to include and just how much information to give away to keep your prospect interested without setting them up to go execute your plan without you.

Register to attend this webinar at 5pm EST on Thursday, May 23.

Missed the free replay? You can grab a downloadable version of this webinar from our library here.

Friday, May 24, 5pm EST: How to Close the Deal: Proposals and Phone Calls that Get Results

In the last few webinars we covered what types of opportunities are out there, how to identify the right companies to approach, and how to write your travel content marketing pitch so that people will be compelled to reply. Here we walk through how to qualify what a prospect needs on the phone and then put it into a tantalizing collaboration proposal.

Register to attend this webinar at 5pm EST on Friday, May 24.

Missed the free replay? You can grab a downloadable version of this webinar from our library here.

Don’t be late! All the free replays start right on time, and the system isn’t able to accept late attendees.

You can read all about our free webinar replays and get answers to any questions you have on our comprehensive FAQ page or grab any webinars you have missed in our On-Demand Webinar Library.



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