The Flourishing Creator

All Posts Tagged: income

What You Do 60% of the Time is What You Do

No, I am not rephrasing the Pareto Principle.

You know, the one that says that 20% of the work you do yields 80% of the results. Though if we apply that here, it’s even more telling.

I’m talking about how you spend your time—your work time specifically—and what that says about you.

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Plan to Get Serious About Your Business Right Now with Your $100 Coupon

When I first started freelance travel writing, there were no websites dedicated to the business side of the travel writer’s life.

And there were only a handful of solid sources on creating a stable income as a freelance writer.
Most people simply thought it couldn’t be done, and the ones out there doing it were too busy working for their clients and living awesome freelance lives to tell the rest of us how to do it!

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People Die of Exposure – Why Give Away Your Work For It?

I will never stop being surprised that brand new websites and magazines continue to post ads on Craigslist, BloggingPro, ProBlogger and other writing job sites asking people to write for them for free in exchange for “writing exposure.”

Having started websites myself and consulted for many others, I promise you that any website so new that it is hiring people to write its content doesn’t have any more readers for you to be “exposed” to than you would if you just went and started your own blog.

You’d probably have more eyeballs on your own, actually.

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How to Get Yourself an Ongoing Travel Writing Gig This Week

Before we launch into how, exactly, to set yourself up with a steady stream of travel writing work, I want to look at some reasons why having a recurring travel writing job is so, so important. Especially for people who are either:

  • just starting out as travel writers
  • struggling to have a sustainable travel writing income even after many months or years at it (and with a healthy pile of clips to their names)

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A Simple, Crazy Successful Way to Start Making $2k (Minimum) This Month as a Travel Writer

One aspect of the typical travel writer’s life is that not every bit of work is a web or magazine article (or something related to one).

I could give you dozens of examples of “every day” working travel writers’ additional income streams (the sample breakdowns of six-figure travel writing incomes are a good place to start), but let’s look at some huge folks who are basically the “giants” of travel writing:

  • Don George
  • Tim Leffel
  • Jeff Greenwald

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