If you’ve attended any of our events or webinars, you know that I don’t sugar coat things.

When people first start asking me to coaching them so they could achieve the same level of success with their travel writing income and choice of clients as I had, I embarked on a journey of inquiry that lasted for years and led to the 400 pages of The Six-Figure Travel Writing Map.

Aside from learning tips and tricks for excelling both as a freelancer and as a trace writer from the best of each world, one of the main things I did was have a lot of conversations with folks just like you.

I spoke with folks who had tried for years to get enough traction to switch from part-time blogger to full-time freelancer and have never quote made it work. I spoke with successful freelance travel writers with the kind of life people think isn’t really possible to get paid–and paid well for. And I spoke with people who had cobbled together a full-time freelance income but weren’t satisfied it looked like they imagined it.

I dug for patterns, repeatable tactics, and familiar roadblocks that many face and only some move past, troving for what was learnable and what was intrinsic and how any person could make their own path to freelance travel writing success.

But that work didn’t end when my book came out.

I continue to speak daily with writers at all these stages and all of the steps in between.

A blogger I’ve followed for at least a decade recently said in a blog post, she can tell within a few words of people’s emails what Myers-Briggs personality type they are. And that is how I have become with the impediments to people’s freelance travel writing success after thousands of conversations.

There are obstacles that are unique to every person, and that is why we offer small-group and one-on-one opportunties to discuss exactly how everything we teach applies to your personal set of circumstances.

But there are also ways that successful freelancers are all alike and ones that haven’t reached the success they’d like resemble one another.

The first step in bridging that transition is always the same: becoming aware of what is getting in your way.

Join us–at a special time earlier in the week due to the holiday–today at 1:30 pm EST / 10:30 am PST for our webinar on What is Standing Between You and Your Travel Writing Goals. As the beginning of our series on working through a comprehensive inventory of your business, where it’s going wrong, and a clear tactical plan that fits with your life to move you through the next year, we’ll devote a full hour this week to discussing the most common issues that keep travel writers spinning their weeks and how we will chart a course through them in the coming weeks.

Register here to catch the webinar live or have access to the replay for one week, after which time it will be available in our webinar library along with the full transcript.



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