We’ve started hosting focus groups around the globe to tap into the pitching, writing, and organizational processes of established writers so we can share them with you in a series of white papers.

To get the ball rolling, I wanted to share words of wisdom on travel writing success from the writers who joined us in New York City for our first focus group this fall.

Everyone had a very different take on what new writers need to succeed–due to their own unique paths of trial and error on the way to travel writing success–but I think you’ll enjoy them all.

Travel. Before you can write about any place, you must start exploring! Even if all you can do is local travel, start somewhere. And then write about it!

“Become your dream” – NYC street artist, De La Vega

Always be ready to learn.

Keep writing and keep pitching, because eventually it will pay off!

Look for the angle only you can bring. No one else can write that story and it can make classic places seem fresh.

Write it all off on your taxes. Keep your receipts. A good freelance accountant is worth it!

Never check luggage!

If you can, go and experience first.

Keep trying!

Just because your pitch wasn’t picked up by your favorite publication, doesn’t mean another source isn’t a perfect fit.

Keep your overhead low.

Other than write when you know/have a niche, be realistic about how hard being a travel writer will be. If you know this is absolutely what you want to do, have incredible self discipline and just. Write.



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