The Flourishing Creator

All Posts Tagged: magazines

When Was the Last Time You Met a Travel Magazine Editor?

I’ve previously attended the Book Passage Travel Writers and Photographers Conference and I’m always delighted to see the seats full of writers, who already have a flourishing business with travel writing as their full-time occupation or are on their way there.

But even more than hearing their stories of taking the leap, quitting their previous professions, and making travel writing work for them, I loved seeing them interact with editors.

It is so easy to have an “us vs. them” mentality about editors as a freelance writer.

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How to Get Yourself an Ongoing Travel Writing Gig This Week

Before we launch into how, exactly, to set yourself up with a steady stream of travel writing work, I want to look at some reasons why having a recurring travel writing job is so, so important. Especially for people who are either:

  • just starting out as travel writers
  • struggling to have a sustainable travel writing income even after many months or years at it (and with a healthy pile of clips to their names)

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