We all write online, right?

We write social media posts. We write blog posts. We write for other people’s websites (whether for pay or as a guest post).

On our blogs, voice matters. The “product” you’re selling (whether to advertisers, those providing free trips, or other types of sponsors) is often eye balls. And your voice and other unique aspects of your style are what distinguishes you in that race for eyeballs.

On travel company websites, the product is what they’re selling. It’s laid out there in black and white. Tours, safaris, hotel rooms, you name it.

With tourism boards, they’re selling a destination, its hotel rooms, its restaurants and its experiences.

The words are not the product.

These organizations need to showcase their products and inspire people to purchase them, but not distract from those products with the words that are doing the inspiring. The words need to paint a picture and get out of the way.

Have you taken the time to study how to do this? The simple-to-follow, easy-to-learn fundamentals of writing clear copy that all editors will love no matter who the audience is?

Because when you are out there selling your services as a blogger, your prices depend on your expertise. And expertise, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, is:

“a high level of knowledge or skill”

Your experience or skill (i.e. years work on your own blog) matters, but so does your knowledge of the “correct” or best practice was to go about blogging.

In fact, it’s often knowledge of best practices that goes a lot farther in establishing trust with your potential blogging clients than simply saying you’ve been doing it for X years. Think about it. They don’t know what you’ve been doing, for who, or how well in all those years. So we need to show potential blogging clients a mix of experience and knowledge to establish expertise.

In today’s webinar, at 3:30 pm EST / 12:30pm PST on Best Practices When Writing on the Web for Travel Companies, we’re moving past the landing-the-gig stage and into the what-to-do-once-you’re-got-the-client phase.

Even if you’re had your own blog for years, tune in to learn the best practices in blogging technique and style when writing for companies and tourism boards, which are trying to provide information quick to readers who may have never visited their site before and may never come back again once they’ve gotten what they needed.

It’s a different audience from a personal blog that readers tune into because they love your personality, and we’ll handle how to navigate the transition.

Register here and you’ll get the replay even if you can’t attend the event. The replay is available to registrants for one week, after which time it is available with transcript and audio files and in our on-demand webinar library.

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