I’ve been so delighted to hear by email and in the chat rooms of our webinars from many of you how our annual review webinars are making you see where and how you can improve your business in the year ahead.

If you haven’t yet joined the series, here’s what we’ve covered so far:

  • What is Standing Between You and Your Travel Writing Goals: As the beginning of our series on working through a comprehensive inventory of your business, where it’s going wrong, and a clear tactical plan that fits with your life to move you through the next year, we devoted a full hour to discussing the most common issues that keep travel writers spinning their weeks and how we will chart a course through them in the coming weeks.
  • How to Clearly Catalogue the Work and Opportunities You Have Now to See When Your Need to Go: We dove head first into an honest look at exactly what each of you has in your income, relationship, and opportunity inventory as we continue our series on annual reviews as a travel writer. We not only walked through exactly what data on your business to collect for your review, but also how to draw conclusions from it as to what you need to do differently or more of in the year ahead. *BONUS* This work will also give you a huge leg up on your taxes, in addition to positioning you to be just the helper your favorite editors need this time of year.

I did a quick recap of what we covered the first week at the second webinar in the series last week, so please catch the replay here if you want to join us for the upcoming webinars in the series, as they build sequentially and you just won’t get the same results if you only pop in for the ones on goal setting!

(I know that seems like the part you really need to do, but if you don’t do the analysis and information gathering about what’s held you back in the previous year, you just won’t have a plan that offers real change to the status quo in 2018).

We’re also going to be offering a very special giveaway–the first spots in a new program all around super-charging your success with magazines–to those who join us live for the webinar this Thursday, December 7.

Hope to see you on the upcoming webinars in the series!

  • Thursday, December 7: Taking Stock of the Past Year – How to SWOT Yourself into Shape (3:30 pm EST / 12:30pm PST) – In the previous webinar, we gathered the data we needed to really see what happened in your last year as a freelance travel writer and began to dive into what conclusions and next steps you could draw from there. This webinar takes things a step further, adopting the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) business analysis for the travel writer to uncover what steps you should look to include in your plan for 2018.
  • Thursday, December 14: Getting Crystal Clear on What You’ll Accomplish Next Year (3:30 pm EST / 12:30pm PST) – Now that we’ve put last year to bed, it’s time to look forward. What will you do in the year to come? As you’ve no doubt found over the years, goals have a nasty habit of not coming to fruition. In this webinar, we will look at a different way to set your course for the new year that you can follow no matter what–good or bad–gets in your way.
  • Thursday, December 21: Mapping Out Your Step-by-Step Plan for 2018 Success–a special call-in webinar! (3:30 pm EST / 12:30pm PST) – In a very special year-end webinar, we’ll continue the 2018 planning we began last week but move into scheduling specific your specific project goals and related actions throughout the year. We invite our listeners to send in their prep from the earlier calls in this series so that they can have their plans for 2018 workshopped by Gabi (anonymously, of course!).


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